Room for One (Pt 9)

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Crowley's POV:

After waking up I found out quickly that I'd messed up bigtime. I knew talking wasn't probably the best idea at any time, but I was tired and what can I say I've been feeling off for so long and to finally have regained enough energy to wake up for longer than a few minutes I wasn't thinking much. Still not thinking much just confused at the moment as to why we are running from the Metatron.

"Angel?" I ask.

"Crowley now isn't a good time please stay hidden." Aziraphale says as he rushes to the elevator.

"Hold the elevator" I hear the Metatron yell as he attempts to get in with us, but Aziraphale closes the doors, and feel the elevator move down towards earth.

"Angel" I say again softly. He looks at me and I immediately know that we are no longer safe in heaven and need to hide.

"Oh Crowley, what are we going to do now?" Aziraphale asks.

"We can go to Maggie and Nina's until we figure out what to do." I say trying to calm the angel.

After we get to earth, we head straight to Maggie's record shop. She wasn't inside and so we made ourselves at home. After Aziraphale walks into Maggie's office he sits down and reclines back. I slither out of his pocket and materialize in front of him surprising him for a moment. He stands up and I haven't even opened my arms all the way before Aziraphale was in them.

"I've missed you Crowley" I hear the angel murmur against my neck.

"W-well I've always been here just was exhausting being drained of all life force like that" I respond. I put my hand into his angelic locks and hold him as he tightens his grip on me.

"I know" 

"You know I'm not going anywhere" I chuckle softly into his hair.

"Please don't" he nuzzles into my neck further. I feel contented and want to stay like this forever.

"MR. FELL!" we both jump apart upon hearing Maggie enter her office.

"Ah Maggie so good to see you again." Aziraphale says with a smile.

"And Mr. Crowley is here as well. What's going on here?" Nina asks as she steps into the room also.

"Oh... well... you see..." Aziraphale starts.

"We've been finally kicked out of that bad place." I say in his stead.

"Oh, then what are you doing here?" Maggie asks.

"We need your help in hiding us for a little bit, his boss is a real bugger, and we don't want to see him for a while until we can figure out a plan." I respond. Maggie nods understanding that while we may not tell them everything it's enough to know that we are in serious trouble if we ask them for help.

"You can hide out here. I just came here for my keys, and we'll be off" Maggie says as she grabs her keys and leaves the two of us alone again. I look at Aziraphale and then back at the room we are now hiding in. After miraculizing a bed, I felt exhausted and flopped onto it.

"There is only room in here for one bed" Aziraphale states. Looking at the small room I agree that it wasn't practical, but it wasn't impossible.

"Yeah, there's really not a lot of room in here is there" I say.

"It's a good thing we don't actually need to sleep" the angel says as he paces the floor thinking.

"Thats what makes it so great" I say, " Angel why don't you come lay down for a bit we can think more about this with calmer minds."

Aziraphale's POV:

I eye at the positively sinful looking demon beckoning me to his bed. Give me strength. I walk over to the soft black bed and lay on my side facing Crowley.

"It is mighty comfortable" I say to the demon who just smiles and turns onto his back with his eyes closed. I look at him and want nothing more than to be with him for eternity.

"Angel, I feel you staring."

"Crowley, I don't want to lose you again." I say. He turns and looks at me. His yellow eyes show confusion as to why this idea came up.

"Aziraphale, I don't plan on leaving anytime soon." He says without blinking.

"But I don't want you to leave me" I say again.

"Aziraphale, I don't understand what you're getting at" he says confused.

"Crowley I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt you when I went up to Heaven. I never meant to make you feel less important to me than how you really are. I felt horrible leaving you here and cried often. I don't want to ever lose you again." I say as tears blur my vision. Crowley immediately wraps his arms around me.

"Angel please don't cry. I can't stand it when you cry." he says softly as I held onto him tight.


"Hush now. Why don't you try a nap for a change maybe you will fall asleep, and we can talk about this tomorrow with clearer heads." he shushes.

"Crowley you're so good to me" I say as I yawn.

"Only for you Angel. Only for you" I hear before my eyelids shut and sleep overcomes me.

Author's Note:

Hey, its JVanRuisdael can I get a wahoo? This is a blast and I hope you enjoy! Get ready for more...

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