Lonely (Pt 21)

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Aziraphale's POV:

We'd just gotten to Crowley's apartment. I'm happy to just be here with him I think as I finally enter the apartment. Inside it was simple the car had most of his belongings and so it didn't really feel like it was Crowley's until I would find the little things. A queen CD, his plants, and the plethora of alcohol. Crowley grabs a bottle and two glasses.

"Here you are angel" he says while handing me the glass of some finely aged wine. I set it off to the side and continued looking at his home.

"You live here comfortably?" I ask the demon.

"Y-yeah I guess you could say that" he says while taking a long drink from his glass.

"What's not to your liking?" I ask.

"Tss nothing just... not very homey." He answers while averting his gaze. Crowley has yet to take off his glasses from our drive and it was frankly driving me mad. I stand up and walk over to his couch and sit next to him. He inches away a little and his hands start tapping his armchair as he tries to act normal. I lean close to him.

"Not a good batch of wine I see" he says nodding to my full glass, "I'll go get you a better one."

Crowley attempts to stand up, but I grab his hand. Crowley looks at me and with a closer proximity I could see his eyes better, but not good enough. I stand and reach a hand up to slowly remove his glasses. Crowley averts his gaze going on and on about different sweets, tea, or alcohol he had in the kitchen.

"Crowley" I say, "Why do you never admit it when you're lonely?"

"It doesn't matter angel" Crowley starts to say, "what's wrong?" 

"How long?" I ask.

"Angel why are you crying?" Crowley panics, tears from my eyes.

"How long have you been waiting? How long have you been so lonely and miserable?" I cry.

"Shush now angel" Crowley says achingly softly while holding me tight, "I was not miserable. I always had something to lean back on."

"But Crowley you've been through so much and I just made it so much worse." I say into his chest.

"Angel" he says while pulling me away to look into my eyes, "You have made my existence so much more than I'd ever thought..." he trailed off unable to get the words for what he wanted to say. I leaned up and kissed him. Crowley was shocked at first and then I felt him grip me impossibly harder and I couldn't help but melt into him. I didn't know what to do I was starved for him and yet wanted nothing more than to let him take his fill.

"Crowley" I murmur while smiling up at him.

Crowley's POV:

He was beautiful. He was soft and sweet. I wanted nothing more than to spend an eternity staring into his eyes as he looked up at me with nothing but tenderness.

"Yes angel?"

"I love you" he whispers. My eyes go wide, and he chuckles at my astonishment.

"You do?" I ask unable to think of a better response. Aziraphale laughs again.

"Yes, Crowley yes I do how could I not?" Then he looks at me and then his eyes almost shyly hide behind his lashes waiting.

"I-I uhh..." I couldn't function I didn't know what to do. Aziraphale patiently waited while I struggled to find my voice. I felt like my throat was dry and yet looking into his eyes I couldn't help but remark.

"Angel you already know how I feel."

"Yes dear...But I'd still like to hear it" he murmurs softly placing his ear above my increasingly obnoxious heart.

"Me too?"

"Crowley" I could feel him getting anxious for me to say it, but it was always something that I'd kept to myself for so long that it was hard to let it out in one go.

"Aziraphale" I start.

"Crowley look at me" he says and when I did, and finally looked him in the eyes, I melted.

"I love you so much angel that it scares me" I admit. Aziraphale smiles softly.

"Why does it scare you?"

"Because I can't lose you. I could never lose you. Not to another, to heaven nor hell. I want you to be mine and mine alone so that we could be together with no other worries and in a place where no one can ever hurt you or take you away."

"Crowley I'm not going anywhere" he smiles.

"But you did" I say softly.

"And I intend to spend the rest of my existence making up for what I've done to you. I will not be leaving again, and from now on we can be us." he says while reaching up and taking away the tear that sneaked away from me. I shake my head and do what I do best... Change the subject.

"Well," I say while giving a hurried kiss onto his forehead, "what can I offer you for tonight angel?"

"How about we eat out?" Aziraphale chuckled while holding onto my arm. I happily lead him to the door.

"The Ritz?"

"The Ritz." 

And I knew from then on that I would never be lonely again.

The End

Authors Note:

Hey so it's finished but I've been working on another Aziracrow story as well and will be here soon! Hope you've all enjoyed. Until next time! 

Check out my profile to find more stories! More Aziracrow,etc


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