||31|| New beginnings. Same habits||

300 21 2

Izuku: 15
Tsukiko: 7

Third pov

Izuku was excited. He was bouncing with energy to last 3 weeks. Why was he so excited? Why did he have so much energy? The reason was simple, today he was entering the school of his dreams. UA High.

He woke up so early that he was dressed before the crack of dawn.

And, contrasting his excitement was the youngest Midoriya. Tsukiko.

She was anything but excited. Her new school started earlier than her last, so she had to wake up earlier too. She was not happy. In fact, She was upset about it. So upset that she sat in her middle school outfit sulking by the dining table and refusing to move.

Inko stood close her mood half-half because of her children. On one hand, she was excited for Izuku, and on the other, she was worried over Tsukiko – who looked like she was about to cry. Despite this, she diligently made breakfast and lunch for them both, packing their lunches in their respective boxes with their own set of stickers.

When Izuku checked the time and finally left his room he was about ready to bolt straight out the door.

"W-wait! Izuku!" Inko rushed over to him, stopping him before he could run out the door. Izuku looked down at her, slight impatience shown on his face as he was ready to leave the house. "I'm proud of you." Inko smiled as she held up his lunch. Izuku returned the smile no longer in a rush to leave the house.

"Thanks, okaa!" he took his lunch about to dive down the stairs when he paused. "Did Kochan leave for school already?"

"Oh, no she didn't she's at the table sulking because she doesn't want to go." Izuku I sweat dropped.

"Do... do you want me to take her?"

"Oh no it's okay. Today was my day to take her anyway. You can head on to school." Izuku hummed walking back inside and heading straight for his sister.

"Enjoy your day, no fighting." he joked hoping to get a smile from her. Instead, he was glared at.

"Hmph!" Izuku laughed bending to kiss her on her forehead.

"I love you."

"Me too... I love you too." Tsukiko grumbled back her body relaxing slightly as she stopped pouting. Izuku smiled brightly again. This time leaving the house for real.

"Let's get you to school shall we?" Inko smiled. Tsukiko went back to broading.


New school. New kids. New faces – Tsukiko wasn't too keen on that. At least Tetsuya was still here. As well as Yotetsu and Reka... okay so she wasn't too excited about Reka being in the same school as her again. She had finally noticed how much the girl was trying to compete with her for whatever reasons Tsukiko still didn't know of.

All four of them were in the same class, and seated next to each other.  Tsukiko was in between Tetsuya and Yotetsu, with Reka on Yotetsu's right. Their sensei wasn't in the class yet so it was filled with chatter. Yotetsu was bored enough to start playing with his quirk.

Now his pencils were wiggling around on his desk. When their sensei walked in the pencils dropped.

"Five minutes. New record Yotetsu." Tetsuya stated.

"Hello everyone! I'm your new sensei Hayato. you'll be in my care for some time! Let's begin by introducing ourselves shall we? who wants to go first?" Lots of hands shot up.

Kid after kid went up, all randomly taking turns. Tsukiko was ready to sleep by the fifth kid that went up, but she stayed awake listening to their names and quirks.

"I'm Rika Yuu! I like okaa-san's hugs cause she's really warm! I don't like Tsukino-chan because she won't admit my quirk is cool!" Tsukiko blinked. a dead look in her eyes.

How am I involved?" the boys snickered remembering a year ago when RI andka blew wind at her, thinking she'd say her quirk was cool, instead Tsukiko thought they were showing each other their quirks and proceeded to mess up Reka's hair with her own wind quirk.

"–my quirk is chime sensei! I can blow out wind that makes pretty noises to help people sleep! It's awesome!" Reka grinned, hands on her hip.

"Hai. You have a lovely quirk Reka-san. who's next?" Tetsuya stood up

"Hello. Tetsuya Yoshino. I like to swim and sleep.  I don't like how early my aniki wakes up. He's too loud."

"Would you like to share your quick?"

"Oh... Stormcloud. I can make strong wind and rain from a cloud. The cloud doesn't have to be stormy though, but the wind doesn't change." the class capped as Tetsuya took his seat while Yotetsu walked up.

"Yotetsu Takao. I like cartoons and going on trips with my parents. I don't like carrots. My quirk is animate! I can make non-living things move."

"Cool, I want to see!"

"Ah, no. No quirk usage in class please. The class is not big enough to handle a show of your quirks. You may break something so please don't use your gurks in the classroom okay?"

A chrous of 'yes sensei' sounded before another girl look to the stage. Three others went up before Tsukiko findly stood before her new class.

"Midoriya Tsukiko. I like sleep and my family. I don't like waking up early to come to school. My quirk is called Zodiac. I can summon spirts that use one of the four natural elements." Alter Tsukiko was one last boy.

"Alright! Now we all know each other!" Hayato jumped to his feet "We won't do any work today, instead. I'll tell you all some class rules made only for this class. Then, I'll show you where your mats for napping are, and we'll practice how we'll rearrange the class during those hours. Sounds good?"

Of course it did. Hayato had Tsukiko's full attention when he mentioned napping. Tetsaya and Yotetsu both snorted at the way she was slightly glowing.

By lunchtime the three of them were under the large Sakura tree eating their bentos, swaping food every now and then to mix their meals. At the end when the three didn't return to class, Rika mentioned how much the three of them fell asleep under the trees in their old school.

Low and behold, Hayoto found the three children sleeping soundly under the tree. He wake them and slightly scolded them. Yotetsu at least had the decency to look regrettful, even if it was only a little. He was suppose to wake them after all.

Rika sat with a few others of their class watching the three. She shook her head, seeing that Tetsuya and Tsukiko didn't look bothered in the least. Were they even listening?! She sighed.

New School, Same old habits.

Izuku's Baby SisterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora