Ch.3 Hangout

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I tried to keep the "New" in the titles, but I can't think of anything for this one.

~Dogday pov~

Yesterday, Catnap and I texted a lot after i dropped him off. He's really a cool dude and I can't wait for our hangout.

As I pulled up to his house I got this really weird feeling like something was wrong. No matter, I knocked on the door and he instantly opened it. "Hey let's go" he looks like he's in a rush to leave. "Not so fast kid" a tall and skinny cat appeared in the doorway and grabbed Catnaps shoulders. "Nice to meet you ma'am; I'm Dogday, one of Catnap's friends." "Wow you actually made a friend. I'm impressed Kitty." she then hugged Catnap and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I swear she whispered something in his ear. He looked terrified.

"So where are we going first?" I wanted it to be a surprise, so I acted like I couldn't hear him and turned up the music. "This is my jam Catnap!" "I didn't know you had such shit taste." I went to turn it off but he stopped me and said he was just messing around. I swear this guy has really horrible social skills. "We're here!" "Really a Cafe Dogday." "Um yeah it's one of the best spots around and it's cheap enough to come here with friends." He just looked at me with a blank expression and got out of the car. Did I do something wrong? He's been acting weird. Yesterday when we were messaging he seemed really happy about going out.

*In the Cafe*

"So Catnap wanna play a game while we wait for our food?" He shrugged and looked back out the window. "How about Rock, paper, scissors, but whoever loses has to answer a question from the other person." "I guess that's fine." Yay I really just want to know more about him. On the count of the we both put out our hands. I threw out scissors and he threw out rock. "I knew I would get you with that." He looked so smug. "How would you know what I was gonna play smarty." "It's simple most people play scissor on their first throw so I play rock. Ok Dogday hmm.. why do you just start rambling about different topics out of nowhere?" Oh he's referring to our msgs was I doing that? "That's simple it's because I have ADHD." He looked shocked and then a little embarrassed. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know." "Why are you sorry? It's not like you gave it to me and it's not necessary a bad thing."

He was about to speak when our waiter came over and gave us our food. Catnap got a tuna salad and I got chicken strips. "Let me guess your a picky eater too." I looked at him and acted like I was surprised and said "how did you know." He looked at me confused and said "because you go chicken strips." "I was being sarcastic Catnap." He was super embarrassed and just started eating.

After we were done and were waiting for the check I asked if we could play our game again and he nodded. Rock, paper, scissors I chose scissors and he chose paper. "Why would you choose scissors again?" "Bc I'm just that smart" I said laughing. "Ok so I want to know why your mom was acting so weird." I watched as he tensed up and said "that's Katt my stepmom and she's a dumb bitch that's why." I was so disgusted by his words I rose my voice a little. "How could you say that about someone who raised you." "YOU DONT KNOW SHIT DOGDAY SO SHUT THE FUCK UP." The whole Cafe was looking at us at this point and I was really embarrassed. "I'm sorry" I feebly said. He looked sad "it's ok. Do you want to ask me something else?" I was feeling bad but really wanted to know more now. I know I shouldn't but it's chewing me up inside. "Where's your actual mom then?" He looked at me and said with a frown "She died a few years back in front of me."

*2 hours later*

This is really awkward now. I fucking ruined it. Why am I such a dumbass? All I had to do was shut the fuck up, but no I had to keep running my mouth. "Catnap do you want to go to this ice cream shop I heard about. Apparently it's really good." He just shrugged. He hasn't talked to me since the Cafe and I understand why but still it's making me feel really sad. When we got there I parked and Catnap got out of the car almost instantly.

This place is really busy. The line is super long. "I wonder what I'll get" a familiar voice said. As I felt 2 hands grab my shoulders I knew who it was. "Hi dad! What are you doing here?" "Oh I'm on my lunch break and thought I would try the new ice cream place. People have been saying is so good on the Tik Tok." I wanna die there is no way my dad just said the Tik Tok in front of my friend. "Whose this you got with you champ?" "I'm Catnap sir. My family just moved here and Dogday was showing me around today." "I raised such a good son" I saw his tail wagging and he looked like he was going to cry. "Well it's good to meet you Catnap I'm Solarhound. Any friend of my son's is a friend to me so if you need anything feel free to ask me." "Thank you sir." "Please just call me Solar I don't wanna feel that old yet. Would you 2 mind if I joined you for ice cream? I'll pay." I'm not about to turn down free ice cream. It seems Catnap had the same idea because his eyes got all wide.

As we were eating our ice cream my dad was doing what he does best. Embarrass the ever living hell out of me. "So Catnap get this Day here was chasing his older brother around naked screaming it's a free country." Catnap started to laugh and replied "that sounds like something my friends down in Florida would do." Oh yeah I forgot he lived there. He probably misses his old friends a lot. I bet they weren't dumb and asked him about his dead mom. "You ok day?" "Oh yeah dad just lost in thought." This was going well atleast. Even though my dad loves to embarrass me he is very good at entertaining people. "Catnap why are you wearing a sweater when it's 98°F out?" Catnap was getting tense again like when I asked about his stepmom.

"I'm just cold." "Your sweating I can see it kid. You should take off the sweater, seriously in this heat you could get heat stroke." Catnap looks really angry right now. Is he going to freak out again. "I li-like it o-on." "That old thing looks really worn out too. How about we go to the store real quick after this and I'll buy you a new one." Now that he mentioned it the sweater did look old and there were really weird looking stains and cuts in it.

"How about you just leave me the fuck alone." "Wow kid I didn't mean any offense I'm just trying to be nice. If the sweater means that much to you then keep it, but I'm insisting you take it off. It's not safe or healthy for you to be wearing it in this heat." "DAMN CAN YOU TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER." Oh no here he goes again. My dad did kinda bring this on himself, but he does this to everyone. He treats all my friends like his kids and worries about them and he doesn't like no for an answer. "LISTEN HERE BOY. YOU DO NOT SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT."

I'm getting nervous even hearing my dad speak like that. He acts all nice and he is, but he was in the military for 20 years so if he's disrespected or not listened to its like a switch flips. "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GRAMPS. YOU AINT MY DAD ILL FUCK YOU UP YOU DIRTY MUTT." Catnap threw his ice cream on my dad. I was in total shock not even able to move. We all just sat there frozen for about 20 seconds. When I looked over I saw tears in Catnap's eyes. "I ...sniffle... need to go." Then he ran out of the shop.

"What is his problem?" "You did push him dad." My dad cleaned up the mess on his clothes and then looked at me. "Your right Day. I'm going to go home and change. Go find your friend and tell him I'm sorry and it's a bad habit of mine." "Ok dad I will I love you." He gave me a kiss on the head and I ran out of the shop.

WARRNING: section contains suggestion of abuse and sexual assault

Luckily Catnap left a trail of ice cream on the floor so I was able to follow him. He's in the park. That's ironic because I was going to take us here next. My ice cream trail went cold. "Catnap you here bud? My dad's sorry come out and let's talk." Nothing... dammit where is he. I'm starting to freak out a little. My mind is racing. Omg! They added a new swing set. No Dogday stay focused I need to find Catnap.

I asked around for about an hour but no one has seen that purple cat. How the fuck does no one see a 6'1 purple cat in the middle of the fucking park. Maybe he went home. Defeated I went and sat on a bench. After a few minutes I started to hear the faint sound of breathing. I started running towards that sound and I saw him. "Omg Catnap are you ok." He's breathing really lightly and shaking like crazy in the fetal position. All I could think to do was hug him. "It's ok Nap I'm here for you. I looked down his jacket and at his neck and my heart dropped. Those are cuts, bruises and a hickey.

That's it for now. I feel like I'm getting better at writing this stuff and let me tell you this wasn't an easy one to write. This took me about 7 maybe 8 hours to write and that's not even including the pre-planning I did for this chapter. I'm trying to pick up the pace a little but I don't want to rush Dogday and Catnap getting together. Also I'm going to try to make all chapters this long. So don't expect a new one everyday like I've been doing so far. Oh and next chapter is going to be fucking soul crushing 😈

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