Ch.7 Bloody End (Part 1)

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You know the drill by now, thanks @DefintlyAFurry as always for taking your time to work on my ass story. It's not the end, btw at least not for everyone. To celebrate 1k veiws and my fuck up yesterday this was released early and part 2 will release later today! Well, enjoy!

~Dogday pov~

Spencer pushed me onto the floor and I heard another gunshot go off. I feel so dizzy and sick right now, I can barely see or hear what's happening. “Dogday? Are you hurt kid?!” Someone is yelling at me, but why? As blood dripped down onto my face I snapped back to reality. I saw Spencer look at me with a happy smile. Oh my god he's injured really bad. Spencer helped me up with his right arm then looked down to his right. There was a man with a knife in his head.

“Bastard shot me in my left arm, I can’t even feel it anymore. Also, he got me good with that knife.” I could tell he was hurting really bad, but smiling to make me feel safe. His left arm is hanging there not doing anything and the right side of his face has a massive slash going over his eye. I'm so scared right now, I just want to curl up into a ball. *BANG* *BANG* “Shit is it a terrorist attack or something.” He looked over at me and said I needed to listen to his every command and he was going to make sure I made it out of this.

~Solar pov~

“So what's your guys’ plan? Shoot up a police station, now I’ve seen some pretty fuckin stupid criminals, but this is a new one.” “Shut the fuck up and keep walking pig.” As we’re walking I saw a few dead cops and some civilians as well. Okay so I know they need me for something since they clearly don’t care about killing. I just need the right timing and I can take his gun, this dumbass doesn’t even realize he's too far back to shoot and hit me in a lethal spot. “NOW!” I heard a voice in the distance yell and I saw my son run behind a vending machine. “What the fuck!” Perfect I swung around and disarmed him then put the cuffs on him.

“Dad!” Dogday ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug. Then, Spencer walked up behind him and oh fuck thats bad. “What do we do chief? I know I may not look or feel the best, but as long as I’m breathing Ima help.” I knew Spencer was a good cop but damn that's a true man. “I have to go help anyone else I can. I need you two to get out of here and hide or escape.” Day tried to intervene and didn’t want me to go. “I'm sorry kid, but I can't let these punks hurt anyone else.” As Spencer took Dogday away I could hear him screaming my name. I’m so sorry son but duty calls for your old man.

~Catnap pov~

What the fuck is going on out there? Oh shit is she fucking mad? She told me if I ever ratted her out her old biker gang would come, but I thought she was lying. *Slam* As the door bust open I saw an all too familiar face. “How are you doing kitty? I hope well because it’s gonna be the last time ever you do.” I tried to get up but my hands were cuffed to the table. She picked up my head and started slamming it into the table. “YOU LIKE THAT? NOW BEG FOR YOUR LIFE YOU WORTHLESS FUCK TOY.” I looked up at her and smiled, she looked uneasy for some reason. “Why are you smiling? I SAID BEG.” “Fuck you Katt”, I said then flipped her off. She then grabbed my hand and broke my middle finger. “Last warning, beg for your life.” She pulled out a switch blade and held it to my throat. “Do it bitch, I know you won’t.” She slashed my ear and started to cut into my throat when a big guy yelled. He said there were more cops coming and they had to go. Katt looked mad and before she left she looked back at me. “This isn’t the end kitty.” Oh fuck.. I think I’m… Pass.. out

~Nappy pov~

What the hell is happening? “Dad, Catnap and Katt are going to be okay, right?” Lunar looks really sad right now. “Yes sweetie I’m sure they’re together right now.” She smiled at me as I grabbed a mop. I'm glad I was able to find Lunar, I don’t know how the hell she got back here, but that's the least of my problems right now. Lunar asked me what I was going to do with a mop, did I really never tell her I used to play baseball? I told Lunar let’s move. She told me we could go to the garage and take a car to get out of here. “No sweetie… actually thats not a terrible plan.”

As we went into the garage I saw a car we could take. I smashed the window with my mop and got in. “Ok it’s been a while, but you still got it old man. Yes! I got it working Lunar let’s go. Lunar, where did you go sweetie?” *BAM*

~Catnap pov~

‘Come on Catnap, get up.’ I jumped up and gave my mom a big hug. Wait mom? OH MY GOD MOM! How are you alive? I was so happy. ‘Catnap if you don’t hurry they will join me and I don’t want that.’ What are you talking about mom? Who will join you? ‘I’m so..y s…o..’ “Catnap, get up hurry or they'll get us.” “What Dogday? Where did my mom go?” He gave me a confused look as a white cat covered in blood walked in. “Good he’s up, the coast is clear it’s now or never you two.” He came over and tried to reach for the keys on his left side with is right hand, for some reason. Dogday grabbed the keys from him and we started to walk. I asked where we were going and was just told out of here. I whispered in Dogday’s ear, “hey can we trust this dude?” The pup looked at me and shook his head yes, “his name is Spencer and he saved my life.” I was happy to hear that because even though I was mad at Dogday, I didn’t really want him to die. Honestly even though all this shit has happened it’s kinda made me like him more.

*Bang* “Shit, hurry into that closet you two.” As Dogday and I ran for the closet I could hear Spencer shooting back. We got in and Pups closed the door. We could hear what sounded like three dudes yelling at us to open the door. “We’re going to die in a fucking broom closet.” Dogday was so terrified I could feel him shaking. Spencer said that we won’t die because they can’t shoot through here; “it’s too risky because if they miss we can jump them.” Pups said that there’s also no way out and that door won’t hold forever. I suggested we use something like a mop as a weapon, but apparently someone already had that idea because there wasn’t one in here. Dogday looked at me and he was blushing hard but why? “Catnap if we die in here then I have something I need to tell you first.” I shook my head yes and he pulled me into a kiss. W-what th-e. “I’m in love with you Catnap!” Spencer tried to clap but couldn’t bc of his other arm. “Sorry to cut you love birds off short, but I think I see a way out.”

Sorry for the cliffhanger, but I'm tired and my hands are starting to hurt from typing. So we're at 1k views! Ch.8 Bloody End (Part 2) will be coming out in a few hours! Have a great day friends and I'll see you then :3

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