Ch.9 A Brand-New Life

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WARNING: Death, Smut

So this is my second time writing this chapter because I accidentally deleted it before. The style of writing is going to be different here because I'm using this chapter as a test for my new story's writing style. Thank you to my cookie @DefinitlyAFurry for editing this on short notice. This means a flashback in time is happening, Enjoy!

~Catnap pov~

"Hi Doc, it's nice to meet you." He said likewise and I sat down in my chair. I know Spencer wants me to do this, but I really think therapy is dumb. "So Mr. Nap, you are dealing with a lot I presume. I've heard the story on the news; the whole city is still shaken by the events that transpired that night. So many were lost to those bikers, wouldn't you agree?" I shook my head yes and added, "Like my sister and my father who is still in a coma." He apologized to me and asked how I ended up with Spencer and Sergio. How would he know that information? Oh, that's right, he was a childhood friend of Spencer.

"So a few days after the incident, we got released."

I'm very happy that Sergio and Spencer are going to take me in or else I would have to be put into the system. As we were walking out, I saw Dogday and the gang waiting for something. "Hi guys, what's up!" They all ran to me and gave me a massive hug. They started saying they're sorry and that they're here for me. As I was crying, they all got startled and Picky asked if they did something wrong. I shook my head and said, "Thank you for being my friend and I promise to get help in the future." Sergio yelled at me to come, so I said goodbye and ran to their car.

"Have you been keeping that promise Mr.Nap?" "I believe I have Doc. So next we went to my house to get my things."

This place now feels so empty. Sergio and Spencer are here to help me grab stuff, but I can tell they feel uneasy about being here. I think they're scared to mention anything about my family because of what happened. "So Catnap, is there anything else you want to get before we go?" I looked at Spencer who still has a bandage over his eye. I told him that I had everything and we could go.

"Welcome to your new home Catnap! We-well, I mean till your dad is better." I told Sergio it was fine and they showed me my new room. It wasn't a huge room but it was big enough to fit my stuff. "Hey kid, we're going to start making dinner, are you fine with chicken tacos?" I shook my head yes and went to take a nap. When I woke up, I smelt something amazing. I realized it was the tacos and ran out to the kitchen. Sergio laughed, "Someone is hungry." I started to blush and asked how I could help. He asked if I could set the table so I did.

While we were eating, I was actually happy. These two are very nice and just make you want to smile. Spencer asked me if I was ok with my room and I said yes it was fine. He smiled and said if I need anything I could ask him cat to cat. Sergio laughed and said I could ask him anything as well. "Could one of you give me rides to school then?" They asked me if I really planned to go back to school right away; which is weird because why wouldn't I?

"So Mr.Nap, you've liked your stay with Sergio and Spencer?" I agreed and said "It's been amazing so far. They are really nice and treat me as a little brother." Doc got up and started to write something at his desk. I don't really like him writing what I say but I know that it's confidential so I guess it's ok. He asked me if I would like anything to drink or eat. I asked for some water and he brought it to me and sat back down.

"So Mr.Nap, if I may ask, how has your sister's death been affecting you?" "Well it really didn't hit me till her funeral."

Sergio and Spencer have been worried sick all day because of this thing. I think the last time I wore a suit was when mom died. I could feel myself shaking as I walked up to the casket. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you sis. Dad would be here if he could and I know he misses you as much as I do." As I walked back the speech was given.

After Spencer and Sergio took me to get burgers. "Catnap, how do you feel?" Spencer said, his right eye is now white with a massive scar over it. "I feel kind of empty and sad. But in a weird way I feel fulfilled? Like, I know that she's gone and I shouldn't mourn." As I looked up I saw them both looking with worried expressions.

"That's an interesting way to think about death Mr.Nap. It is not my place to say if that is right or wrong so let's move one. How about your dad?"

Spencer walked me up to the desk and told the lady I was here to see Nappy. As we got to the room, Spencer stopped at the door. I asked why he was stopping and he told me that it was meant to be my time, not his. I nodded and walked in. I saw my dad still with a cast on his body and his head bandaged up. "Hey dad, it's me, um, I'm sorry I haven't been here to visit but you were in a lot of surgeries. The doctors just gave me the ok to speak with you just today. So it's been about two months since the shooting. Katt is still missing and Lunar died. There was a funeral for her last month; oh I told her why you couldn't make it so don't worry. I'm currently living with two people who are very nice and I've also been getting help and I'm becoming more open. I was told that you can hear me so I'll make sure to come back at least once a week to talk to you. I love you dad." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked out the door. "So how did it go, kid?" "I think it went well."

"So Mr.Nap, I'm glad that you are keeping in touch with your father. Now, weren't you there with a friend when the shooting happened?" "Yes, his name is Dogday." "Can you tell me how your relationship with Dog Day has been going?"

"Hey, thanks again for taking me home, Pups." I saw the cute dog start to blush and his tail was wagging like crazy. "O-oh it's no-nothing Catnap." I swear Dogday has been avoiding me since the kiss. Spencer interrupted but I was going to say I like you too. I've been trying for the 3 months since the incident to give him a hint that I like him. I've rubbed up on him, I've held his hand, I even gave him a kiss on the cheek. But this dog will not ask me out and it's starting to annoy me.



After Dogday dropped me off, I said bye. As I walked away from him I rubbed my tail across his face. No one is home yet! I ran into the bathroom and turned on the shower. When I got in I sniffed my tail. It smelled like vanilla and it was so good. I could feel the blood rushing to my cock; it was so hard and pulsating. I started to jerk off while moaning "Fu-fuck me Dog-gy." As I finished I blew my load onto my tail. I sniffed it and it still smells like Dogday. I don't know what came over me but I licked up my cum and it tasted like lavender with a hint of vanilla.


"So Mr.Nap, you love this Dogday and he doesn't know yet. This was a very good first session and while there is still much to discuss I'm afraid we're out of time."

I said bye to Doc and walked outside to see Sergio waiting for me. He asked how it went and I looked back at him and smiled. "I think I would like to go back next week."

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed. This was my first time writing smut so ik it's not the best. Also, thank you for your patience with this one. The next chapter will be on Tuesday this week! Have a great day friends :3

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