Ch.13 Perspective

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Hello everyone! It's been a while since my last chapter and I'm 3 days late now to uploading this chapter, so let me explain why and what's happened over the past 2 weeks. First my neck didn't fully heal till about 3 days after ch.12 dropped. Last week a guy accused me of sexually assaulting him at school so for about 2 days I wasn't writing or anything. Luckily, he's dumb and someone got on video him admitting it wasn't true. Then on my b-day (April 30th) I got sick and laid in bed all day. Also, I rewrote this chapter to add more emotion to everyone. I hope you all like it and we're back!

~Catnap pov~

"This is a really bad idea Dogday. I mean, this guy rapes you and your first thought is to help him?" "I know it doesn't make sense right now, but I can just tell that Sean is regretting his actions." This is still a bad idea but I know that I'm not going to change his mind, so I just need to protect him. Damn, why do bad things always happen to good people?

"Pups, let's also get those snacks because I still want to watch the movie." He smiled and nodded at me. We let another group go ahead of us in line so we can speak with the stupid prick. "Oh, hey Catnap and Dogday. It's, um, good to see you again." He's sweating like crazy and is clearly nervous as he should be. I started to give him a death glare and I guess Dogday noticed because he elbowed me in the chest. "Sean, we came to hear why you did... the you know to me." All three of us clearly don't want to be doing this. Dear God, I know I'm not really religious but please let this awkwardness end, I don't know how much more I can take.

"I can't talk about this now. Look, order something and I'll put my number on the receipt for you two and we can talk later." "Does that work for you Doggy or do you need answers now?" Dogday said it was fine... did this ho really just laughed at me calling Dogday Doggy? I know he isn't laughing because I already want to beat him to a pulp. "Hey, are you guys going to order or waste everyone's time?" Okay, I've been a good cat tonight but someone's about to get scratched. Dogday grabbed my hand and told the guy behind us sorry; he ordered some popcorn and soda.

"Can you see it now Catnap? Doesn't Akuji emanate remorse?" "Dude, speak English, not some hieroglyphics." Oh, that annoyed him, it was meant to be a joke; I guess I still have to learn how to make funny jokes. As we were walking, Dogday tripped, that clumsy dog, and I rushed to save him. I caught him in a dip and we were both staring into each other's eyes. Wait, am I blushing right now? I'm the one holding him so why is this embarrassing me? "Catnap, are you going to pull me up or am I just going to sit here? I mean, I don't care either way really." Oh shit, when did he get good at this? I pulled him up and said he has pretty eyes. There we go now, he's blushing. Dogday grabbed his ears and tried to cover his face with his ears and it was adorable.

~Dogday pov~

This movie isn't that good, but Catnap seems to like it, so that's all that matters to me. "Oh shit!" I felt something grab and dig into me and it made me jump. "Sorry Pups, it's a scary movie though." I saw him look at his paw and he saw the small bit of blood on his nails. He looked at me with a worried expression and started apologizing. "It's like you said Catnap, it's a scary movie and you got scared, that's all it was so there's no need to be sorry." Is it weird that I kind of like how that felt? I guess I was lost in thought because I didn't realize Catnap left.

I was about to leave to go look for him when I felt pressure on my arm. "All better now, and a kiss so it heals faster." "You didn't have to put a bandage on it silly, it's just a small scratch." This is why I like him so much, even though he's a dummy who doesn't understand emotions that well, he's also one of the sweetest people I know. "This day has been one of the best ever." He smiled back at me and nodded. Seriously though, I don't think words can describe how much I love this feeling: the comfort, the fuzzy feeling in my body, and the softness of Catnap's body and soul.

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