Ch.11 What Happened?

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Sorry for this one being shorter. I really couldn't think of much :(

~Catnap pov~

Vannnniiillaaa. Vanilla? As I opened my eyes, I saw Pups laying next to me shirtless. I jumped out of bed and hissed for a second before remembering last night. "Ok, I'll let you sleep a little longer." I whispered. As I walked out of my room, I made sure to close the door so those two wouldn't see him. Something smells really good.

"You slept in sleepy head, feeling alright?" I nodded to Spencer as he was eating eggs with tuna. "Actually, could I stay home today? You see, I have some..." Spencer got up and told me it's fine. He said he has to get ready now. I completely forgot today is his first day back on the streets. I looked at Sergio, expecting he made me some breakfast too, but he just looked at me with a blank expression that basically said, "Make it yourself." Just then, we heard the doorbell ring. And it kept ringing over and over again.

Sergio walked to the door and opened it. "Hi, does a purple cat named Catnap live here? He's about 6'0 and is a junior." Sergio looked back at me with a 'what the fuck did you do' face and turned back. "Why yes he does, may I inquire about what it is you need from him?" At this point I'm trying to hide, but also peek to see who it is. Guess I wasn't doing a good job because the man yelled at me. "YOU BITCH, HOW DARE YOU HURT MY SON." Sergio tried to calm the man down and yelled at me to get over here.

Shit, it's a tall lamb so I'm guessing it's the punk from last night's dad. "I only fought your son because of what he did to my friend." The lamb started to get madder and demanded an explanation. That's what I was trying to do asshole but you just interrupted me. "Well, he kept giving my friend drinks and your son ended up raping him." Sergio looked at me with big eyes, then back at the man. He was fuming and I thought it was because of what his son did but nope. "How dare you lie, I know my son would never do that. You cats are all the same, just filthy fucking liars." What the fuck does that even mean? I looked over at Sergio and saw him getting really angry. He was about to speak but then the man interrupted him.

"Don't even speak you mixed. You're worse than him because you shouldn't even exist. Your kind are freaks of nature and shouldn't have any rights." What the hell, it's 2024 and we're still being speciesist. I felt a cold aura around me and I knew it was coming from Sergio. When I looked at him, his eyes were black with white dots, he also had a gaping smile and I swore I saw some red looking smoke exit his mouth. I felt the worst fear of my life, then I felt something touch my shoulder and a hand also grabbed Sergio's. "What seems to be the problem sir?" The lamb looked a little shocked to see Spencer with his police uniform on. He gave me a dirty look and said, "Nothing, I was just on my way." As he left, Sergio started to tell Spencer what happened.

"Well, we both got to leave for work now, but when we get home you're telling us exactly what happened last night." I nodded to Spencer and then he walked out the door. Sergio followed but turned around and told me there was bacon and pancake batter and to feed my sleeping dog some food. I yelled back ok and shut the door. WAIT, how did they know Dogday was here? Shit, and they saw us sleeping in the same bed. I looked out the window and saw both of them laughing, those guys are so mean sometimes.

~Dogday pov~

My head hurts so bad, and my throat is so dry. Wait, where am I? This isn't my bed and room. Also, why does it smell weird in here? As I went to get up I realized I was shirtless; oh shit, what did I do last night? I need water too much to think about that stuff anymore. I rushed out of the room and ran down the hall to what I believe is a kitchen. "Oh, glad you finally woke up drunky." Catnap must have known why I ran out here because he instantly got me a glass of water and I chugged it. "Thanks Catnap. Now, where are we?" He told me we are at his house, I've never been to Spencer and Sergio's house, so that's why I didn't know where we were. Catnap asked me if I wanted breakfast and I said of course. I wanted to ask him why I'm here, but my head hurts really bad. "Go take a shower Pups, it will help with the headache, and you need to get clean. Take some clothes out of my room."

As I looked in Catnap's room, I was trying to decide what I wanted to wear. I took a gray hoodie and black sweatpants. In the shower, I noticed a bottle of lavender scented body wash, so that's how he always smells like lavender. The hot water is really helping with my headache, but as it went down, I started to feel more pain from... my ass? Why does my ass hurt and why is there blood coming out of it? Ok, this is really starting to freak me the fuck out. Also, why are there hard spots of fur on my back? I hurried to finish my shower and got dressed. When I went back out into the kitchen, I saw Catnap carrying two plates of bacon and pancakes. I followed him and he set them down at the table then sat down.

"Catnap, what the fuck happened last night. In the shower, my ass was bleeding and I had hard spots of fur. Also, I woke up in your bed without a shirt on." He looked at me worried and asked if I remembered last night. I told him I remember picking him up and going to Bunzo's for the party. "Also, I think I remember seeing a lamb but I could be wrong." Catnap's eyes became slits and he started hissing. He's really freaking me out and his claws are digging into the table. "Catnap calm down, why are you so mad all of a sudden." "BECAUSE THAT LAMB RAPED YOU." He put his hands over his mouth and looked away. Wait wh-what did he just say? I was raped at the party last night? I told him to tell me everything. He sighed "So basically that lamb started giving you a lot of alcohol, then took you upstairs and raped you. I found you and beat that little shit up. After, I drove your car to my house and brought you inside; you puked on your shirt so I took it off you." There's no way that actually happened, right? Catnap is just pulling a sick joke on me, I mean, he always has had a hard time in showing emotions and telling jokes. Oh shit, but recently he's gotten better at that. Also, he's looking dead serious right now.

"Wait, but it's a school day, and what about my parents?" "Oh, I took your phone and messaged your dad asking to spend the night here and skip school today." How in the ever living hell did he guess my password. Fuck, this is so much to take in; if we have the day off then I need to do something to get my mind off of this. "Okay, so do you want to do something today, just the two of us?" "Sure! It's our first date then Pups."

Hey Friends, how are your guys' day going? I hope it's well, anyway the next chapter is their first date! Thank you @DefinitlyAFurry as always for editing bc of my shit grammar. I'm working on the second story and I think it's almost ready to release!

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