Chs 3-5 script

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If you are reading this, it means that I've made it through 5 chapters yay! This is my script I wrote before making these chapters. I won't be releasing anymore of these unless you guys want me to. These chapters take forever to write bc I use my phone. And if you see any bold it's future me pointing out things I changed. I switched to writing on pc when I overhauled Ch.5 so the quality of these chapters might go up. Future me did they go up? Leave it in the comments for me 😆

Ch.3 Hangout

Whole chapter is dogday pov

Dogday picks up catnap

Dogday meets Katt and she hugs catnap before he leaves and kisses his cheek

Dd comments cn looks very worried

Joke around and go get lunch

Talk about themselves and get backstory

Dogday reveals he has adhd and has trauma from past (don't tell)

Catnap has ptsd from his moms death. "I was there when she died" (don't tell anymore)

Go to ice cream shop

Cn meets Solarhound Dd's dad

They get ice cream

Solar asks cn why he is wearing a hoodie when it's 94 out

Cn gets defensive and yells at Solar

Cn runs out and Dd tell his dad he loves
him and chases after cn

him in the park crying

Catnap sees something and has a panic attack

Dogday helps and sees bruises and a hicky on Catnaps neck (Hint Katt abuses and sexually assaults cn)

So this chapter actually stayed close to the original script. I just added a few more things like the ice cream throw, Dogday and Catnap's car scenes, stuff like that. The only major change was Dogday having trauma. I removed his trauma bc I felt like it was too much to have 2 characters with a lot of trauma, and im glad I did that change. Dogday will have issues in the future with a character that has only been mentioned once before.

Ch.4 An Old Life

Content warning for drugs, child abuse, rape

Cantnap pov whole chapter

End of chapter 3 but cn pov

Catnap yells at Solarhound and runs to park

Sees a homeless man with a needle

Has panic attack

Flashback 10 years ago (catnap's 6th bday)

Happy birthday to you cn blows out candles and wishes for a best friend (doesn't have one due to moving)

Catnap reveals its just him, his dad, mom, and sister in a small home

Timeskip later that night (fill with bday activities?)

Catnap hears arguing

Peaks through their door

Dad was yelling and begging mom to stop and get help she punches him

Timeskip 2 years forward (cn 8)

Catnap gets picked up from school by his mom sister had practice (add sport)

Catnap mentions how his mom hasn't been herself anymore (go into detail on looks and attitude)

Mom parks and tells cn to stay in the car

A New Life (Catnap X Dogday)Where stories live. Discover now