Like the dog movie! - Lewis Hamilton

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driver: Lewis Hamilton

pronouns: they/them (You)

prompt: "the human love story of the 101 dalmatians!"

request: anonymous 

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Lewis had been walking along the park with Roscoe, he had decided an hour ago to take his beloved dog for a walk in the afternoon, once the sun had set and it wasn't too hard on the eyes, on the other side of the park, you were trying to calm down their dog because of a pigeon who had fluttered it's wings too near to scare both their dog and them.

"god damnit Cookie!" You shouted as the dog was profusely barking at the birds in the park. "what's wrong?" They asked as they tried to calm down the dog, Lewis noticed the situation from a far and walked near them to offer some help, Roscoe was a calm dog but playful with other dogs.

"come on, let's go help." Lewis spoke to Roscoe leading his way, when he arrived next to them he tried to get the dogs attention first but Roscoe won him to that, they were both trying to bond with the other. "your dog hates birds?" He asked looking at the person that seemed a lot more relieved.

"yes, a lot." They spoke and sighed. "he's a crazy dog too." They laughed and looked at Lewis.

"I wouldn't say crazy..." Lewis said, he glanced at the dog and then at you.

"well... I guess out dogs get along huh?" They asked looking at Lewis who was looking at his dog endearingly.

"I guess so, this is Roscoe." He introduced his dog.

"oh, hello Roscoe, this is Cookie Cream, I like silly names for my pets." You smiled, Lewis crouched down and called for your dog to pet him, you presented yourself and he looked back at you.

"I'm Lewis, Hamilton." He said as if there was something for you to know, you nodded, he thought they knew about his job. "you don't know me?" He said, they side eyed him and shook their head.

"absolutely not, should I... know you?" They asked, Lewis laughed and shook his head.

"no, it's not that you shouldn't... it's just surprising." He said, they smiled.

"why is it surprising?" They asked. "oh wait, are you famous?" They asked, Lewis smiled, you and Lewis started walking along the park with the dogs playing in front of them.

"I'm... famous to a lot of people, I drive for Formula One." He mentioned.

"oh! like Schumacher, Alonso and... ah! you're Lewis Hamilton!" You finally reasoned.

"yeah! you did know me after all." Lewis smiled, they nodded.

"you could say so, it's in the news once in a while or in social media, especially Twitter." You mentioned, he laughed. "so how is it like? working for one of the most dangerous sports..." They teased slightly.

"actually, really fun... it's the thrill that keeps me going." He mentioned, both walked along the park with the dogs enjoying the company of the other one and their dogs as well walking in front of them.

It was a calm afternoon, not much people around, the sun slowly going down and the company of the both of them was pleasing enough to feel the hours go by, the night slowly creeping up, Lewis and you had released your dogs to play in the specific dog park in there they were sat in the benches inside the dog park talking about their lives and mostly their dogs.

It felt that they knew each other well enough to open up to the small but specific details of their lives just scraping the top of their lives to get a small bit of each other, it was fun, to have somebody to talk to and have the company at least.

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