Necklace - Lewis Hamilton

586 5 0

driver: Lewis Hamilton
pronouns: Not Mentioned
prompt: "Lewis and main have a shared necklace"
request: anonymous

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Lewis and you had an agreement when there was still a relationship, you just had to pretend to be another fan because it was meant to be a secret relationship because Lewis thought it was for your wellbeing to be kept on a secret relationship, or at least that was what he told you once in a while when you had to be out of the garage or hide around it to not be seen as Lewis had told you before and to some extent you enjoyed it being a secret, it was thrilling, he was happy with the relationship being a secret and even though you wanted to walk around freely with him it was hard to do so, the only safe place you had was the hotel rooms and your own home you even had to fly by yourself sometimes which wasn't ideal because you had a massive fear of flying all the noise and the sudden turbulence made you incredibly anxious and Lewis was rarely around those times.

Once, you had hidden yourself in the crowd just so when Lewis walked by you could gift him something, he was surprised by that, as soon as he spotted you in the crowd he tried his best to go around everyone to get to you in time before his crew grabbed him to go to the paddock and start his meetings and interviews before the race, so as soon as you gave him his gift his face lit up in excitement and thanked you before his crew took him away and so then you tried to get into the crowd to go back into Lewis' last stop which was his special prep room to wait around for his arrival, and so the hours went by and after four full hours he arrived to the prep room.

"hi..." He whispered opening his arms and walking up to you, you stood up and walked up to him to hug him, he hugged you tightly. "I'm sorry for being late." He apologized, he always apologized for being late, even though he was punctual.

"it's okay!" You assured him caressing his back.

"I loved the necklace by the way..." He said pulling back, he already had it around his neck.

"I have a matching one." You smiled and pulled out the matching set from underneath your clothes, he smiled and pulled you back into a hug.

After that, somehow, things started to go sideways and downhill quickly he started being late and even more apologetic about it sometimes he didn't show up and apologized about not being there and tried to compensate it with something else like a date night or staying at home with a movie on or cooking together, after all he did try to commit to the relationship and you knew that but after a while it started to feel like there wasn't any balance in the relationship, and even though there were a lot of attempts to keep going and give more strength into the relationship it felt unbalanced, one gave too much when the other one didn't want to give anything at all or wasn't able to do so. So then the relationship just broke... there wasn't anything else to fix, there wasn't anything that could fix it and you were tired of feeling left out in things that seemed important to Lewis and for Lewis to not be there the times you needed him and protected him from feeling guilty of leaving you alone, and it was on your birthday when you realized... that you couldn't go on more with the relationship.

You were cleaning up the apartment, you had prepared yourself a party that you had in mind for a while and even told Lewis about it and he showed so much support and confirmed that he was going a million times even when it was already the party he texted you that he was on his way, but he was on his way the 5 times you asked throughout the party, he was always 10 minutes away when you asked at that moment it just seemed like a fake excuse for him to then bail out.

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