Chapter 15

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"I'm not doing that."

"Come on, Seth. If we want to take Paige down, we are going to need Ambrose. And if we want Ambrose, he's gonna need an apology."

He looks around the corner at where Dean sits, then back to me. He shakes his head. "No, I can't do it."

I grab his face in my hands. "You told me yourself that you didn't want to turn on him or's your chance to make this right." I grab his hand and pull him to Dean.

Dean looks up, acknowledging me. "Hey Helmsley." He turns to Seth. "Sellout."

Seth gives me a pointed look. I elbow him in the stomach and take a seat. "Look, Ambrose. Seth isn't here to fight. He's here to apologize."

He laughs. "I highly doubt that."

"No, I am." Seth says. He takes a seat beside me . "Dean, I really am sorry. I should have told you and Roman what was going to happen from the jump."

"Yeah, but you didn't. Me and Roman, we were your brothers. We were your family. But you sold out to The Authority. And for what? That shiny, piece of crap championship that sits on your waist?"

I look at Seth who looks down, not saying a word as Dean continues.

"What else do you have? Besides Asher, who is by far a woman you do not deserve, what do you really have? That's easy: nothing. You have nothing Seth, and it's all your fault" He lets out a sad laugh. "You know, there is a huge part of me that wants nothing more than to rip your tonsils out and shove them up your ass...but there's still a part of me that sees you as my little brother."

Seth closes his eyes, and takes a deep breath. He looks Dean in the eyes. "Dean, I know that I can probably never apologize enough for what I did to you guys, but I truly am sorry. I just want us to be cool again. " Seth looks at me and intertwines his hand in mine. "You're right, I probably don't deserve Asher, but I am so glad I have her." He turns back to him. "She's the one that gave me the strength to do this and without her, I wouldn't be apologizing to you. Asher changed me. So if you don't want to accept my apology, I'll understand...I'm just glad I got it off my chest."

We stand up and start walking back the way we came.

"Wait." We turn around and look at Dean, who stands up. He looks at me. "Helmsley, can you honestly say that Seth is a changed man?" 

I look at Seth. Since the first day we started dating, I knew that he wasn't the same guy that slammed those steel chairs into their backs. He had changed in so many ways since then.

I turn back to Dean. "Yes, I can. And I can also say that his apology is sincere. I know how much he would give to have you guys back."

Dean nods taking this in. I look at Seth and nod towards Dean.

"Oh, almost forgot," he whispers. He holds out his hand and Dean eyes it warily.

He meets Seth's eyes. "If you didn't have Helmsley backing you, I might have punched your teeth in." He takes his hand in his and shakes it.

"So we're good?"

"Yeah," Dean says, a slight smile on his face, "we're good." 

I fan at my eyes. "I think I'm going to cry." They laugh. "Now hug it out."

Their laughs are cut short. "Now what?" Dean asks.

"Hug. It. Out." 

Dean smirks. "We aren't Team Hell No, Helmsley."

"And Ash, I'm not going to hug Dean. We're grown men."

I sigh. "Okay, you guys have about three seconds to drop your false ideas of masculinity or my relationships are over with both of you."

"Hugging," Dean and Seth both say at the same time and hug each other. I pull out my phone to snap a picture without them noticing. It was that big of a moment, and I was proud that they had put the past behind them.

When they pull away, I make Dean look at me. "Now that we've got that out of the way...I need your help."



I walk into the Diva's Locker Room and check all the stalls, making sure no one was here but me and them.

"What are you doing?"

"Making sure we're alone." Stalls are clean. I go back to face the Bellas. "You're probably wondering why I asked you to meet me here."

They nod, giving me wary looks.

"Well, as you both know, Paige seems to be a little of a nuisance, and to get straight to the point, I want to take her down. And I'm going to need your help."

"We're in," they say in unison. That was way easier than I thought.


Nikki nods. "Of course. I am sick of that Brit thinking she can ruin people's lives and I am looking forward to bringing her to an end."

"Yeah, because after everything she did to my sister, John, and Dean, she's going to get what's coming to her, and I want to be a part of that."

"Great. I'm glad you both are on board. But Nikki there's one drawback for you."

She raises her eyebrows.

"Dean is working with us. And before you back out we need him. Nobody knows Paige better than him. So...are you still with me?"

She sighs but reluctantly nods. "Yeah. I'm with you. But only if you promise me one thing."


"When all of this is over...we really have stopped Paige. No more games from her, and no more trouble. She's done."

"You have my word. And not only that, but everything will be back to normal. I promise you."

I reach out my hand and Nikki and Brie both shake it with evil, identical smirks on their faces.

Nikki looks straight ahead nodding. "Game over, Paige."

I smile. I had my team. 

Now it was time for the plan.

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