2.9M 58.9K 31.5K


The freezing cold air hit me like a pile of bricks, making my long, brown hair get all over my face. If it were any other girl, it would look like a shampoo commercial but I was pretty sure I just looked all dorky and stupid.

I pulled it away, cringing when my icy cold fingers touched my cheeks.

This was exactly why I didn't like having my hair down, I hated to take care of it. My hair was wavy but it was also frizzy and those two didn't make a good combination. I usually liked to put it up in a high ponytail but my hair kept me warm and in this freezing weather of New York, I constantly had to find ways to keep myself warm.

I wasn't complaining, I loved this weather. I loved wearing cozy sweaters and scarfs and sitting close to the window somewhere with a hot cup of coffee.

I walked down the stairs as people rushed past me. I had just taken my last final of the semester and it sure felt great. Being a college student kept me really busy, but I didn't mind at all. I liked having something to do. Especially after going through the worst possible break-up ever...

Don't go there, Hannah.

"Ms. Collins," Robin, my bodyguard for the day, greeted me with a nod when I made it back to the car. All of my dad's bodyguards looked pretty much the same: tall, muscular, and always in black suits with white shirts and black ties. They also wore an earpiece so they could all be in communication in case something happened. Most people would drool over them and I probably would too, if they weren't with me all the time.

I didn't always have bodyguards.

My dad was a famous actor. He had been acting since he was a teenager but his big break-out movie came out about five years ago, making his popularity sky rocket. Around the same time, my mom was attacked in a restaurant parking lot. The men took her purse, jewelry, and her car but not before beating her. My dad's success had put a spotlight on my family and people now knew my family had a lot of money which put us in danger. So we moved to a house with much more security and my dad hired an army of bodyguards.

It wasn't just my dad's success that put us in danger. My oldest brother, Colton, was the owner of the most famous nightclub in New York. Nicholas, my second to oldest brother, had started our family's clothing brand company and he ran it as the CEO. A year ago, my youngest brother had decided he wanted to pursue a modeling career. He was currently in Paris.

Who knew success came with a cost? It cost us our safety which was what the bodyguards were for.

Unlike my brothers, I had yet to start my career. I didn't have the same talent as Nick and Colton in running a business or the flawless looks to become a model like my brother Derek. I liked to draw.

I wanted to be a wedding gown designer. I loved designing dresses and had a lot of sketch books in my room where I had a lot of dresses started. Some pages just had doodles others had the silhouette of a dress, each page had a random design that only I understood. The problem was that I had yet to finish a single whole gown, I always just stopped in the middle of it and started a new one.

I got in the car and Robin shut the door. I watched as he went around it and got in the driver's seat. I looked out the window as he began to drive.

Good-bye school, I thought happily as I watched the school pass by.

I loved school but finals week killed me mentally and drained me physically. It was enough to make me not want to see school for a while. I had a whole month to myself. I could lay around in my room, not do anything and not feel guilty about it. It was official: I had nothing to do but draw all day if I wanted...or sleep.