I guess i hate him.

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I attended all my first classes without any challenge.  I guess I was nervous over nothing.  The last lecture is done, I packed my books in my bag and got up from the chair . I badly need to go to the washroom . I rushed, literally running to the washroom
Oouch, seems I hit the wall , why am I so careless ?.
Aaah..its so painful,  my nose hurts like hell.
Wait what, does the wall have arms?"
I was very scared when I felt tight arms around me. I found my self in a tight embrace
  "Are you okay"
Damn, its not a wall, why is the person so hard?
I looked up to see, oh my God!!
Is this even a person? Samantha  wake up, it's no time for dreams.
    "Hey", he said," Are you okay"
Oh my God
Are you an Angel? I asked with my mouth wide open, I guess I was drooling
Please,  believe me, like don't blame me, I have never seen such  a handsome man. I stared at his beardless chin, he had blue eyes, and my eyes couldn't help and move to his pink lips,, "ooh God, such kissable lips" I thought , only to receive  a slight push that woke me up.
    Hey,he said,  "am I that handsome that you can't control your self"
Okay, this is embarrassing,  Samantha  why are you drooling,  he's not even a gentleman
    I..i- I mean ooh God , why am I stammering
Run,Samantha run..and yes, that's what I did. I ran away just like that .
      In the washroom , I couldn't help but slap my self for being such love sick and stupid .I splashed water on my face to help me calm my beating heart. That was so embarrassing
My phone rang to see my brother's message telling me he's waiting for me to go for lunch infront  of my class
      "We are going to eat with my friends, it will help you have a good start having them as your friends too"
   "Okay, any handsome boy among them, I feel like falling in love with one of  your cool friends" I said which made him chuckle
Just don't be lustful. He said and I stung my tongue for him..silly boy.
       As we reached the cafeteria,  Jim took me to the table at the end side in the corner, There were two empty seats and the rest occupied.  I guess those are for Jim and I
At the table, Jim told me to sit as he went to get for is food. He just told his friends not to scare me away. Lol, as if am that weak. All the time ,I didn't look at any of them as my eyes were rooming around the cafeteria, I guess looking for the cute guy I met..I mean who made me make a fool out of my self.
"Hey Samantha ", avoice from our table rang, which made me turn my eyes to look at them
Ooh my...why is it him again? Okay, I know I was looking for him from the crowd but why is he on the same table as me? . I was stamped.
   Two girls sat on the same table looking at me as if I had intruded, hy, I said and they smiled at me(I guess genuinely) because the smiles didn't reach their eyes..lol as if I care
My name is Samantha,  Samantha G. I said and turned to look at the the cute guy but he didn't even look at me. As if I didn't exist.  Okay.  So disrespectful.
Jim came back with two plates of food and placed them on the table. I picked mine and started eating since I was hungry. Couldn't care less
    "Hey Sam, you have met my friends". He said
   "Hmmm"  I replied with my mouth stuffed with food
But they are not so welcoming.  I said and looked at the so called friends especially,  the cute boy..
They all looked at me dumbfounded. Until the man who Jim called ikah laughed out loud
  "Interesting " he said while smiling.  Shit, why is he so handsome.
Jim, your sister is so funny",. Rebecca said as she kissed Ikah on the lips."Right Babe?"
I was very surprised when she did that,   are they dating, I asked my self
Why am I so disappointed thinking about it?. I looked at Ikah and  found him looking at me too. I felt betrayed,  but wait why am I feeling sad?
     Sis, are you okay? Jim called out , ya ,I said and dug into my food again. I felt so full even when I didnt eat alot. The meal continued with the couple bickering and Jim talking to Kiara, the other girl on the table.
For the rest of the day, I was feeling uncomfortable and abit angry.  I don't  know why my mood even changed.  Maybe I didn't like Jim's friends.
At the end of the day, I was going to the packing lot, when I felt some one hold my hand. I stopped and turned around, only to see the person, I felt uncomfortable being around. And ya, it's Ikah smiling at me. I got lost into his smile for a second and came back to my senses.
      Little girl, how are you? He said.
I pulled my hand from his because I felt uncomfortable
     Am okay", I answered.
   Your classes done?" he said, I nodded .
Your brother has some errands, he told me to take you home? He said with a serious face, as if I annoyed him
"Babe" a voice rang before I could say anything, " or you are here?" Rabecca said as she gave him a kiss which he did  too in return .
   Am dropping Samantha home, let's go. He held her hand and walked away .I stood still watching them move hand in hand . I felt as if my heart was being scratched, no as if there was something pulling it from side to side. Why is it feeling uncomfortable seeing them together?
   "Hey, are you coming or not?". He asked with impatience which made me angry. 
   "No, I will go by myself". I said and walked away.
"Stop". He said, something that made me very angry. I wanted to beat the hell out of him but I had no reason for doing that. What is happening to me? I wondered
   "I hate strangers" I said angrily and walked away in large strides and bordered a tax that was almost setting off.
On my way home, I was very passed off. I didn't know what is happening to me. I felt so frustrated.  What is wrong with you Samantha? I realised that I was crying when the tax driver handed me his hankie.
     "Young girl , you shouldn't cry in public,  people will think you are weak" He said. which made me laugh at my stupid behaviour. 
       "Am sorry, and thank you for the hankie. I just miss home, that's why I cried "
I just hope he believed it and thankfully it seems he did because he just looked at me and smiled
I opened the door to our apartment.  My phone bipped only to find my brother's message saying he won't be able to come back home tonight.
What a relief..I sighed since he won't be able to see my miserable state. I just climbed onto my bed and slept off with Ikah's annoying face in my mind.
I guess I hate him.

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