My New home

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I woke up from my sleep late in the evening. I knew it was already late. I stood up from the floor and moved to the bedside where the clock was
Damn , its 6pm already. I need to get out of here.
I picked up my phone in daze and called Karan, one of my bodyguards.
Okay I guess I should introduce my self formerly now.

Being the only daughter of my family. I am expected to take on all the family property. That is I am the family heiress. In my family , it is very rare to give birth to girls. So every girl born automatically heads that generation.
However, despite all this, I want to live a low life . I don't want my boyfriend to feel pressured because of my background and there fore, I have decided to stay with my cousin brother Jim..and live as any other student would live. Call it simple life.

The phone rang for a second before it was picked up
" Chief" said karan
"Pick me up" I said
I organised the room and made sure all my belongings were packed. I didn't want to leave anything behind.
Knock, knock..some one is at the door
I didn't move. I stayed still and waited for the person to say something.
"Samantha.." Ikah called
" I am going to open the door." He said . Whatever.. I thought. Its not like I fear you or something.. I ignored him. Even when he called my name, I didn't reply. I was tired of these people . However, I wondered why Jim seemed not around. He hasn't said anything since I woke up. Any way, I guess he wanted me to go.

The door was kicked open by ikah.He looked anxious.
"Hey, you are okay" He said while examining me. When he noticed that I was okay. He sighed.
" Thank God, you are fine" He sighed deeply.
"What is it?" I asked." Why are you breaking into my room" I continued

"I should be asking you that." He said while still examining me.
"What happened to you. Why are you packing and leaving? What is wrong "

" Samantha, if you are leaving because of me..because of us..we can leave and not return. But you leaving is only going to hurt you and your brother. Jim loves and cares about you."
Ikah said in one breath. He seemed afraid. As if if he.doesnt say it now, he will never get a nother chance to say it.
" Says who?" I mocked him.
"Do we have any relation for you to tell me what to do..who are you to me to make me leave this apartment?"
" You won't even hive me a chance to explain my self...what if you misunderstood the whole situation?" Ikah stated making me turn and look at him
Was he serious? I wondered. What does this guy take me for?
." still have the guts to tell me that I misunderstood?"

"What if I say yes..What if I say it is not as it seems to be.?"
" What do you want to say.?"
I only ask for a chance to explain..I am sure after listening to me, it won't be as it is now..that is what Rabecca wants to , to have us fight all the have no peace between us...have you asked your self why she came to the hospital ..I kept it a secret, even your brother, I didn't tell him because I knew you didn't want to make him worried.".He explained.
This was my first time listening to ikah speak alot of words in one go. He always wanted to hear from me..but today it was different he wanted me to listen to him. I looked at him and saw how serious he was. It didn't fake this time

"I..ah..I..".I was still thinking about what to say when the door flew open.
Karan and 5 more bodyguards had come
"Chief" they said in unison as they saluted
"You are late" I stated.
"My apologies chief, I was away and wanted to pick you personally. I delayed the rest of the team" karan said as he knelt down to apologise.
" Well. Pack up "I commanded and they all picked up the bags to get out of the room. Kara stayed behind with me.
Jim also entered and greeted Karan.
" Young master." Karan bowed in acknowledgement of his presence but Jim ignored him. He only.looked at me
"Sis, are you seriously leaving. Not even giving me a chance to apologise or explain?" Jim stated as he looked at me aggrieved. He knows the consequences of my departure.

" Let it go...I will tell them I have left at my own will. No one will disturb you" I told him
F*c*, that's not what I am worried about Sam. I am worried about you ,about us... even if i am to be barnished out of the family, i dont care. Samantha, i just want you to stay" He said almost in tears.
(LOL, this made me look like a villain)

" Jim..I was actually mad at you at first but I am okay now...I am old enough. I need to get my own room"I stated.
" I am moving out today. I am sure Karan has organised a good room for me..I will let you know of the place as soon as possible. Maybe you can visit me some day". I said as I moved to my brother's side and hugged him.
" I am sorry sis"

Karan and I left Jim's house to my new place. I almost laughed when we reached down stairs and met Rabecca in the sitting room. She held my tedbear protectively as if she's the new owner. I guess, if ikah hadn't gotten it from her, she wouldn't have released it. She seemed so happy that I had moved out ..though forgetting that's my house too

"Bye bye little gal" She said to me as I moved out
"See you soon bitch" I replied .

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