Did i do something wrong?

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         The growling and rumbling noise of my stomach woke me up . Damn , am so hungry.  I woke up and checked  the clock on the bed side only to see it was 3Am. So early.
    I slopped down to the kitchen to get something to cure my stomach. I opened the refrigerator only to find well packed food as if waiting for me.
Hmm..did my brother come back? I wondered .
I was heading to his room when I noticed a figure lying down in the sofa in the sitting room.
   "  Jim," I called out only to receive silence.  Did he sleep on the sofa?. Brother? -
I moved to sofa and tried to wake him up.
Damn.."Why is it you"
"What is wrong?" Ikah asked
"What are you doing here?" I asked
"Ooh", he said as he stood up into a sitting posture.
    "I brought your supper last night but it seems you slept early. I didn't want to disturb your sleep"
And why are you still here..you could have just put the food on the table and left..or and how did you even enter the room?. I asked feeling very confused. How did he come in.
          "I have a copy of the keys,"and I also know the password "
Oooh" i said.  Why are you up? He asked.
    " I got hungry so I woke up to get something to eat". "Ooh, I thought so..okay..go and eat am going to sleep.  I  can't go home now. Its already late". He said as he laid down on the sofa again .
     "You can sleep in my brother's room, it's free  "
No need. He said .
            I went to the dining table and started eating the food in the dish. But I was confused. Which hotel serves noodles only? Any way, but the food is really delicious
    "Hey" He said and I turned to look at him.
"Why are you smiling?"
"Which hotel serves this food, it smells nice."
He smiled at me, sighed closed his eyes again
   "I won't tell you."
"Can I ask you something?",
Okay..I said
    Why do you seem to hate me? Did I do something wrong?
I was stumped.
What is he talking about? Okay.i guess I hate him but hoe does he know that,  why does he even care?.
      "I don't hate you. " I said," I have no reason to do that" He asked and came closer to where I was sitted.
But you seem you don't want to be in the same room as me , as if am toxic or something " He said as he smiled, his eyes fixed at me as he watched me intently. I started panicking. "Tell me,"he said .
I...I.. I stammered, hmm..you what?
My mind became blank, oh God, I need to breath, what is happening to me, why is he so close? Why is my heart beating so fast?
Run, Samantha run..ding ding ding.. but before I could run ,his phone rang. Ooh. Thank God. I  released a long breath which I didn't even know I was holding. Ooh..that was close
   " Excuse me, " he said as he went back to the sitting room to answer the call. I immediately ran back to my room for my life.

I woke up to the loud knocking  of my door, It was so annoying,   ikah is just like Jim, ooh God, why are there such annoying people in my life?
      "Sleepy head, wake up..we have to go to school"
You just go alone". I said while covering my face with the covers to continue with my sleep. A day off won't kill . Only to have him pulling my covers away.
    "Wake up and wash up. Break fast is ready. Hurry up"
I got up with my pouted lips which he smiled at . I  guess , he finds it funny when I am angry.
After washing up, I hurried to the dining table where I found him already picking his utensils since he was done eating.  So impatient. I thought. 
      "Why is your hair like that..." .
"Am going to comb it"
God, will you ever finish.  He went into Jim's room and came with the the comb and and  drier.
      " What are you doing?"  I  asked as i got up
from the seat
    "  Sit tight". He said, "we don't have time"
I slowly sat down and he started drying my hair,  he combed it and held it in a ponytail leaving a few strands in front.  I was left dumbfounded when I looked at myself in the mirror but I had no time to appreciate my self  when he got my bag and hurried me out of the house.
Ooh God, what just happened?

THE  CAPTURED GIRLOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora