That's my man!

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     Ikah led me to his car and opened the door for me. Okay ,I guess his trying to be a gentleman.
"How was your night?" He asked after I buckled my seat belt. 
" Not bad,". I replied.
"Hmm. That's good then"
His phone rang and he connected it to the Bluetooth since he was driving. 
Hey babe..hy babe
Good morning...babe I miss you already,
I slept off somewhere last night. Sorry I didn't come home.
That's okay babe
Am on my way to college.  Me too babe.
Okay. See you  I love you too.
And that was enough  for my mood to change.
I slumped in the seat and closed my eyes. I don't know why it was hurting but it did. And I really felt sad
Did I like him?  Why did I feel jealous and sad when he talked to his girlfriend?
        "Yo okay?". He asked. "Ya". And it became silent again. I couldn't get their conversation off my head . And I took the risk
    " You love her so much?"
He looked at me confused.
"What do you mean?"
" i mean, do you love Rabecca so much?"
" Why are you asking? Is it any of your business?"
Ooh...and trust me I felt hurt. But he was right. Why was I even concerned.  He wasn't my boyfriend or even my brother, why would I mind whether he loves his girlfriend or not.
    The whole drive was silent except for the non stop bipping of his phone. I guess messages from Rabecca.
As we reached at the college,  I hopped out of  the car immediately after thanking him for the drive. I didn't even bother to wait for his response only to bump into Rabecca who had come, I guess to welcome him.
       "Ooh it's our little girl Samantha.  How are you darling ?"
"  sorry I troubled your boyfriend to give me a ride since by brother is away?"
"It's okay" she said and moved seductively to ikah who had just gotten out of the car . She kissed his lips and ikah returned it. Okay. That was an eye sore.
     "Excuse me". I said as I wanted to get away from them as soon as possible.
      "Wait" came Rabecca's voice. " Babe, I want to ask Samantha something,  I will see you later"
"Okay. Take care and be careful. See you soon because I literally miss you very much now"
She kissed him again and watched him go away before coming to my side.

"Isn't  it sweet to have someone who loves you and misses you even when you are with him. Right Samantha ?"
I guess" I replied.
So , little girl, did my boyfriend sleep at your place last night?
Yes .
"Oooh..and then..." 
"Then..."I replied
      "Did he say anything to you?"
"No, I only saw him in the morning "
If there's anything else, I would like to go for my class"
"Ooh..not so quick, before I tell you something important " She said and I wondered what she wanted to tell me.
    "You see Samantha,  that is my man and mine alone  and not even you can share him with me so stay away from us"
    " Oooh" , I said  " don't worry , I am not interested in him just like how he's not interested in me"and I walked away
Am just tired of this and I won't get close to anything that will make me sad again. And so bye bye ikah.
I went to class only to find my seat mate Dany creating havoc. Ooh I guess I forgot to tell you.  But I have a seatmate who literally treats me as if am her daughter and she's my mother. Apparently,  she was fighting Brandon who was sitted on my chair to get up. I just like this girl.
  Brandon is in year 3. The well known playboy . I guess he's here to cause trouble .As I entered  , I moved straight seat and told Brandon to move way. However, he stayed seated. I was already in a bad mood and the guy was making things hard.  Danny was also trying to get him out of my seat but the guy made some unreasonable condition.
      "I will only move away if Samantha agrees to kiss me , otherwise am staying here "
I was very shocked. How can someone even make such a shameless demand.
Before I could say anything,  we heard a  commotion outside. As we all turned  to see what was happening. 
I saw ikah standing at the class entrance . He stood there silently as if he was the God of the place. Every one was quiet,  all girls in trance, and those still sober were giggling as if they have met their Prince charming. 
     For a minute ,  i was happy . Happy that he had come or even happy that he was here to help me out of the predicament but I was destined to suffer yet another blow that would maybe change every thing.
     " Why can't the little girl kiss you?"
"Is she too shy or she's still thinking she has some dignity after conveting someone's boyfriend ?"
I was very shocked by the revelation. Was i conveting someone's boyfriend?. Why don't I know about that?. The whole class was looking at me as if I was a criminal,  a disgrace to the society.
    Rabecca also came in with a few girls who's faces looked familiar.i guess they were her classmates or something of the sort. They were all looking at me with disgust.
       " Excuse me?" I said. I was very confused
  Ikah looked at me while smirking. 
    "Samantha,  don't act innocent because we know you already,  stop acting innocent " Rabecca declared.
I saw everyone looking at their phones and then at me with disgust. I checked my phone and I was very shocked. I felt very disappointed but I needed to stay calm.
     There were pictures of me and ikah,  the time I bumped into him the first day, him holding my hand and the one , which I guess was taken the night before. I knew no one else could do this if not for him. And the angle was just that right to prove that am stuck with him.
        "Samantha you know I have a girl friend right?" . And there he was acting a loyal boyfriend.  I turned and looked at him but I couldn't say any thing.  I tried to remember what wrong I had done to this man but there was none. I was disappointed,  not in him but in me , for thinking he's a good person and for letting him close to me. I was going to end this today. And I will never allow such people in my life.
  I turned again and looked at him . I guess he saw the anger in my eyes for he looked away.For a minute , i think i saw regret but i had no time do dwell on it. He's a jerk
     " I don't know what my brother sees in you to have you as his best friend.  You are nothing but a jerk" . And then I held my back pack and moved out.
     I didn't attend that day's classes. I just went home and slept. I wanted to be alone. Be away from everyone.  I wanted to only have me. The event made me discover that even the people I thought would protect me can destroy me anytime.and that was a good lesson for the day.
Ikah and I were done and we couldn't even be friends.  That's what I thought.


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