Chapter 1: Into the Dark reality

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I'm tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable so I can get some sleep. Tomorrow is my 16th birthday, and as much as I'm excited to get older, my parents have warned me of the dangers of the responsibilities that I have to take on once I'm 16.

I lay awake thinking about the conversation my parents had with me before I went to bed about the dangers of gambling for extra money or extra time. They told me it's not worth living a life in debt to a stranger who doesn't care for you at all. Eventually, I drift off to sleep as a cold breeze blows through the window.

"Happy birthday, Daniel," said mum as she stepped into my bedroom with a bundle of balloons.
" I hope you had a think about our conversation last night in regards to all the new things you're able to do."
"Yes, I did mum, and don't worry, I'm not stupid enough to get talked into gambling my life away," I said.
"Good, I am glad to hear that," mum sighed, looking relieved.

I got dressed and left my bedroom after mum had left to get ready for my first day of work, at the age of 16 everyone in the city is to enter the work force and work the Job your family is assigned to work. My dad works in the military and is always never home he usually moves from location time to time on protection detail of the different sectors around the city.
Today, I am to join the military and follow in my dads footsteps to work hard and protect the city from any and all threats.

"Goodbye mum, love you, see you later on," I shout as I rush out the door, not realising how late I am.
"Love you honey, have a good day and good luck, we are extremely proud of you," Mum said with tears in her eyes.
I rush out the door and run down the alley to the subway entrance.
Our city is divided into 8 sectors, separated by 20 metres tall steel reinforced walls, to keep everyone separated from one another. This law was put into place long ago from what my parents have told me.
Along with the walls, they are stationed with Cyborg soldiers that guard the perimeters to maintain order, I guess... if you ask me, I don't know why we all have to be separated , but nobody questions anything. Nobody alive, that is.

I hop off the subway near the entrance to the Cypron City Barracks to meet with my dad, who has promised to take me on a tour of my new workplace.
The barracks are hidden down a tight alley about a 5-minute walk from the subway station. The entrance is a steel door hidden behind some debris from an old building.
"Hey, dad," I shout.
"Hey Daniel, Happy birthday, my boy," said dad.
"Thanks dad, what department of work have you been working on lately?" I asked.
"Can't really talk about it sorry, but I can tell you I've been working in transport sector recently, few issues in that sector lately, I've been assigned to looking into protecting a company there that builds the trains for Cypron" said dad.
"Cool, anything dangerous"? I asked.
"Not yet, but you never know when that could change in our profession," laughed dad.
"Michael!" yelled Eli. He was one of the military leaders for our city, who was in charge of the cyborgs.
"Eli sir," said Dad, standing at attention.
"We need to discuss something about the weapons that have been smuggled on the tr- "Eli stopped.
"Eli, this is my son Daniel," said dad.
"A pleasure to meet you, Daniel," said Eli as he shook my hand.
"Likewise, sir," I said.
"I you will excuse us Daniel, we have some important matters to discuss your father and I," said Eli.
" Not at all," I said as I left to walk to the reception. It must be a very important matter to discuss for dad's boss to come talk to him directly. I wonder what trouble dad is involved with.

"Hello, I'm here to begin my career in the military sector as of today. My name is Daniel McGregor, and I am 16." I said as I arrived at the reception desk.
"Hello Daniel, today you will be assigned to border protection after you sign some papers, collect your belongings, and get changed, then we can get you started,"the reception lady said.
"Awesome, let me sign my life away." I laughed.
"Right this way, sir," the reception lady led me through a door down a corridor to a small office in a dimly lift room.
"The medical examiner will be with you in a few minutes to check your fit and healthy for the job" said the reception lady as she left back down the hallway leaving me in the poorly lit room waiting.
"Hello, I'm doctor Winfred," said a tall older man who had snuck his way into the room
"Hello, sir," I said.
"Now, I just have to do a few checks, and then you will be off for duty if your results all come back clear," said Doctor Winfred.
An hour later, I was cleared and was off to meet my supervisor.
"Grab your things private. We are leaving for the building sector for surveillance duties. My name is Ava, and I'll be your supervisor for this assignment." Said Ava.
"Yes, mam," I said, I was so excited to get to see the rest of Cypron.

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