Chapter 20: Betrayed

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Upon falling through the metal grate out of the act of anger, I realise I'm about to hit the ground and injure myself. As I begin to fall faster towards the ground below me, two sets of hands from above me grab my arms and try to hold my weight up to break my fall. I then dangle for a few seconds before slipping down onto the floor below. 

"Thanks," I said as I looked up at Ava and Josie.

"Next time listen to us! or you will end up hurting yourself," Ava said angrily. 

"What is this place," Josie asked as Ava was lowering down to join me. 

"I don't know, but I sure am going to find out," I said determined. 

As Josie had appeared into the room we both put our arms up to grab Ava as she jumped down. "It looks like a laboratory of some kind, didn't think the transport sector had something like this," Ava said.

We began pacing around the room looking for any clues to what happened to my dad after he went through the doors into this room with Victor. There was smashed glass beakers, and puddles of unknown colourful looking chemicals on the ground. Most of the computer screens and devices were all smashed, turned off or ripped out of their wiring from the wall. The alarm system overhead was already flashing when we got in here, but the siren wasn't on because it had been destroyed by gunfire by the looks of it. Josie had gone over to a system of computers off to the far back right side of the lab we were in, only for her to shout out to us. 

"Hey guys, I think I found the security storage systems and they seem to be in tact, I am going to scan through it real quick and see if I can find anything,"Josie shouted out. 

"Thank you, I said. 

"Ill see what else I can find," Ava said. 

I rushed over to the computer systems that Josie was sitting at, She was beginning to hack the security files system to gain access to them, when suddenly a video file had popped up on a hologram in the centre of the room. 

"Take a seat Michael," Victor said. 

"Thanks for having me, I have an urgent matter to discuss," Michael said. 

"Yes what is it?" Victor said pouring a cup of tea for my dad. 

"I'm sure you're aware that my son is being hunted down and that Eli will stop at nothing to ensure that he succeeds," Michael said. 

"Yes, I have heard about that, I am terribly sorry to hear about your son," Victor said. 

"I need your help, I need you to help me keep him safe. I know he didn't do what Eli and the government claimed he had done," Michael pleaded to Victor. 

"Well unfortunately, nobody else will believe otherwise," Victor said. 

"But you have to believe me Victor, something else is going on here, I just know it," Michael said. 

"Yes, you're right there is something else going on here, isn't that right Eli?" Victor said as he turned around to the door opening as Eli was walking in with four cyber soldiers on all sides of him pacing in. 

"Yes, once again Michael you're right, but I'm afraid you know too much and I can't have you running around interfering with our plans now can we?" Eli said. 

"You traitor! How could you be working for Eli!" Michael started shouting but suddenly tight restrains made of thin metal wire rope pretruded out the chair he was sitting in restraining him tightly to his chair. 

"I do agree Eli, what should we do with him?" Victor asked Eli with an evil look in his eyes. 

"First, I want you to tell me where your son is, and don't lie to me or you will suffer," Eli said. 

"Haha even if I knew and I did tell you, you would still kill me anyway," Michael said. 

"You're going to really enjoy your stay here then, " Eli said then he proceeded to punch in some commands into his watch. Then a cyber soldier moved in front of Michael and sucker punched him in the nose.

"You are going to want to start talking if I were you," Victor said to my dad. 

"NEVER!" Michael shouted. 

Eli then put in more commands into his watch. The cyber soldier began throwing a round of punches at super sonic speeds then stopped before my dad could pass out. 

"I don't think we are going to get any useful information out of him Eli, let's just get rid of him," Victor said to Eli. 

"You're never going to find him! and I hope you never will you assholes!" Michael shouted.

"Oh for fucks sake, if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself," Eli said. Eli himself went over to my dad and grabbed a military knife out of his pocket before proceeding to plunge it deep in to my dad's thigh. 

"AGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Michael shrieked out in pain. 

"TELL US WHERE YOUR SON IS YOU PIECE OF SHIT", Eli screamed in my dad's face before spitting on him. 

"Burn in hell," Michael said looking completely drained of all energy. 

"Fine have it your way," Eli said before punching Michael in the face as hard as he could. "Let's go, we have no use for him anymore," Eli said. 

After punching in some final commands into his watch, before leaving towards the door. The cyber soldier raised its laser cannon and punched a hole right through my dad's head killing him instantly. The cyber soldier then proceeded to follow Eli and Victor out the room, with the door sealing shut behind them. 

I can't believe what I just watched, those bastards are going to wish they never did that, and I hope that they find me! because when they do, I'll be ready!

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