Chapter 14: The Gambling Games

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I couldn't believe my eyes, Ava was about start a gambling game. I mean who knows how long she has been gambling for? and why of all times she is choosing to do it now. 

"Everyone in the audience take your seats, we are about to begin," The gambling judge said. 

I sit down with the rest of the crowd here that watching from the audience stands. 

"You will each have three minutes, to explain to the us and the jury your cases, Let's begin!" the judge said, looking around the room at all the contestants in front of him. 

"Hi my name is Jeremy, I grew up with my parents fighting and always getting into arguments. I would run away for the day and find something to do, that could serve as a distraction from my parents arguments. It was horrible I shouldn't have had to run away to get away from the fighting. I should had stopped it myself by asking them to stop!" The contestant Jeremy said. 

"Very good, please take a seat over by the jury stand until the end when we have finished judging you!" The judge said grinning. 

"Next contestant!" yelled the man standing to the side of the judge. 

"Hello I am Ava Simmons, I grew up with asshole parents, and so I got up and left them for good! I then trained myself since that day to look after myself and survive by myself no matter what. I robbed to stay alive, I fought to survive and I became a better person because of it," Ava said with tears streaming out of her eyes. 

"Excellent, Absolutely magnificent!" The judge said, with a sniffle. 

I can't believe what I am seeing, this has got to be a joke. I know the past isn't a joke, but the whole crying act, the sob story. Most of all the judge as well as the jury and the audience looked really emotional after her performance too! The rest of the contestants all got up and told their life stories for three minutes each until the last contestant had finally finished. 

"All right, I will need to discuss with jury and come to a vote on who our winner is of this gambling match! Please take a seat and wait patiently," The judge said. 

This is so nerve racking, I want Ava to win but at the same time if she loses it will prove to me that gambling is nasty and that she shouldn't be doing it in the first place. I look over to Ava who is looking down at the ground her hand twirling her hair and she is biting her lip. She is so nervous and it's so obvious. 

"Ok ladies and gentlemen! We have come to a vote and we finally have a winner!" The judge said, as he cleared his throat for the announcement. "The winner of the gambling games tonight is Ava Simmons!!! Come on up to collect your prize!" The judge said excitedly whilst the crowd was cheering her on loudly. 

"I would like to thank everyone for their kindness and generosity tonight, it has been a real pleasure competing in the games tonight and I hope to see everyone in the near future!" Ava shouted as she was blowing kisses at the audience until finally she had locked eyes with me realising I had been a witness to this, the whole time. 

After everyone had gotten up to leave with their pockets empty of any and all cash, I decided to run back to the hotel room and pretend I was sleeping to avoid having to talk to Ava about what I had just seen. I quickly slip into the hotel room and jump back into my bed, then shut my eyes tight and wait. A few minutes later I hear footsteps pacing toward our hotel door, until.. BANG!

The door had slammed open and Ava walked through looking furious. Josie was still asleep through all this noise. She comes over to where I am sleeping and bends over so that her face is right next to my ear before saying "I know you were there private, and you will keep your mouth shut about it, or else its not this mission you will have to worry about surviving. It will be me!" Ava said very seriously before turning away and jumping into her own bed. 

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