Chapter 4: Escape to the Food Sector

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Ava and I have been on foot most of the evening and are trying to reach the wall between the medical sector and the Food sector, to get some food supplies on the run as we are now wanted fugitives.
"Now listen private, there is a gate coming up ahead I'll throw my EMP grenade to stun the cyber soldiers then take them out you take out the foot soldiers if your feeling capable to do so?" Said Ava.
"Sounds like a plan," I said.
"Good, let's do this," Ava said.
Ava lobbed two EMP grenades over a building aimed at the two cyber soldiers guarding the gate.
" NOW," shouted Ava.
"OPEN FIRE," shouted the foot guards.
Ava had run at the cyber soldiers who were temporarily stunned and sliced their heads off, deactivating them.
I had come around the corner on the other side and aimed my rifle at the two footmen soldiers aiming at Ava.
" Hey douchebags,"I shouted.
They two foot soldiers turned around to face me, and I pulled the trigger and shot both the guards dead.
"Nice shooting," Ava said.
"Thanks," I said.

We swiped the stolen military ID card, and the gate opened for us. We walked on foot through the gate and slipped into the side alleys of the food sector. I have never been to this part of the city, but to think this is where our food comes from and is stored disgusted me a little bit.
The streets were dusty, full of rats, and run down ragged looking people were going about their days like nothing was wrong with the environment around them.
" Hey Ava, why is it so filthy here if our food is kept in this sector," I asked.
"The streets are like this and filthy, but the food storage factories up ahead are clean and hygienic on the inside as well as heavily guarded. we are going to have to be extremely stealthy whilst we are here," said Ava.
"Sure thing, what's the plan?" I asked.

" You keep on lookout for any military guards, security and cameras, whilst I will sneak past the guards with your help and slip into factory open up a back door for you to slip through then from there we can find some food supplies, sound good?" Asked Ava.
"Sounds good to me," I said.

I have been waiting around anxiously for the last ten minutes since Ava had entered one of the food factories, for her to contact me, letting me know she is alright instead of leaving me here worrying.

Eventually, after what felt like hours, Ava contacted me via radio.
"Alright, I'll open the back door on the back right side of the food factory, got it?"said Ava.
"Roger that," I said.
I started to quietly move my way down from the vantage point towards the factory, I had to get past a few cyber soldiers to get to the factory, so I kept quiet and walked past. Almost there just got to get pas-
"Intruder Alert" screeched a cyber soldier.
"Shit, Ava, I've been compromised," I said.
I ran for my life to the back door that Ava had left open. As I got there, Ava was in the door way shacking her head at me.
"Duck, private," shouted Ava.
As I duck, Ava throws our last EMP grenade and then proceeds to squash the cyber soldier's head in with her boot until it shuts down.
"That was close, too close," I said.
"You're lucky I'm here to save you then, aren't you private," said Ava.
"Sure, am mam," I said.

As we got into the food factory, it was late at night, so we snuck past night security cyber soldiers and stocked up on food, water, and some toiletries.
Luckily for us, the factory we raided was a supermarket warehouse.
"So Ava, what's your history? You know how come you're so good at this military type work," I asked.
"That's a long story private. Are you prepared to hear it all," Ava said.
"Sure, why not, we have all night," I said.

Cyber Prison: The BeginningDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora