Chapter 12: Finding a way out

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I can hear voices... Ow my head hurts. I begin to open my eyes to see where I am and what is going on. The last thing I remember is passing out as Ava had blown up the centipede machine. I'm looking up at Josie's face from below as I feel my body swaying. I begin to realise that I am being carried by Josie through the corridors of the sewers, with Ava and the plumber up ahead leading the way.  Josie begins to notice me stir and looks down at me.

"Good morning sleepy head!"Josie says with a smile. 

"What's happening?" I ask.

"You passed out after the battle with the centipede machine, I rushed over to you, to treat your wounds. I have since been carrying you until you awoke, whilst Ava is up ahead keeping an eye out for any danger whilst the plumber leads us to the government sector. The plumber said he was very grateful that we didn't let him die back there", Josie said.

"Oh wow," I said.

and before I could stop myself from embarrassment. I blurt out "Thank you for saving me! That was very kind." 

She blushes a little, "Your welcome! glad to have helped,"Josie said with a smile.

"Hey Ava, Daniel is awake now," Josie shouts out.

"Good! now tell him to start walking!" Ava shouts back. 

I quickly hop to my feet and begin walking with the group again, it feels good to be up and about again. I couldn't believe the amount of shit our group has been through so far. 

"We're almost there," said the plumber. 

"Well, It's about damn time," Ava said. 

Five minutes later we approached a slightly rusted ladder leading straight up dripping with slime and stale water. Up above the ladder was a small drain grate with lots of street lights shining bright ahead of us. 

"Alright, So this leads us into the government sector?" Ava asked the plumber.

"Yep, however this is as far as I go. Now before I go the payment we discussed?" The plumber said.

"Yes let me get that for you, now before I hand over the money remember our end of the deal?" Ava asked the plumber.

"Yes not a word about any of this to anyone", the plumber sighed.

"Good, this never happened!" Ava said sternly, as she handed him the money.

Thanks and Good luck!" the plumber said before turning around and heading back to wherever he had to get back to.

"Lets go!" Ava ordered. 

Ava climbed up first to check the coast is clear. a few moments later she signals to us that the coast is clear. I mean it is 3:23am in the morning so it makes sense that the streets should be clear at this hour. 

"You can go first, " I say to Josie.

"Thanks Daniel, don't fall behind now", Josie says with a smirk. 

"I won't!" I say back with a grin. 

After all three of us arrived on the surface, we looked up at our new surroundings. The buildings were stone white, with a polished cold look and the streets were lit with fluorescent white lights leaving little room for any type of colour. The buildings were around five stories in height each sporting its own balcony and vines of flowers wrapped around the railings. Off to our right at the end of one of the streets was a grand water fountain made out of polished white stone. 

"Wow so this is how the government officials are living it up?" I say. 

"Pretty much, If you ask me it's too quiet, too cold and eerie," Ava said.

"I like the style of the architecture of the buildings," Josie said. 

"Yeah its pretty cool!" I say. 

"Ok so all I know about my friend we are trying to meet up with, is that she works in the courthouse for major laws and outlaws," Ava said. 

"So we need to find a map then?" I ask.

"Good thinking!"Ava said. 

We start searching for anything that resembles a map layout of the area we were in. As we started searching I look over to the water fountain only to find a hologram scanner switched off near a stone wall. 

"Hey Josie, reckon you could turn that hologram screen on?" I ask curiously.

"Sure thing", Josie says. She then rushes over pulls out a little tablet device and starts typing on it so fast my eyes couldn't keep up. Seconds later the hologram screen turns on revealing a town map being projected on the white stone wall.

"Ava!" we both shout. 

She comes running over looking impressed upon arriving to see our work. 

"Good job guys!" Ava says with a smirk. 

We quickly start scanning the map before Ava points at an area on the map about a ten minute walk north east from our location. 

"There! That is where we need to get to, let's go!" Ava said.

We grabbed our stuff and followed Ava down the street past the water fountain. I hope Ava's friend can really help us out and that working our way to get to her isn't just a waste of time.

Cyber Prison: The BeginningOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant