Chapter 9: The Hunt

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Ava, her military unit and I all set out searching the barracks for Eli Mogoloth. He can't have gotten too far right? All I know is that if Ava doesn't murder this guy I certainly will.

"You guys search the west side of the barracks,Myself along with private Daniel will search the east side of the barracks. Report back to me once you have located Eli Mogoloth," Ava said sternly. 

"Roger that," said the military foot soldiers who split from us heading west to the aircraft hangars. 

"Lets go guys!" Ava said. We set out on foot storming the corridor looking for any sign of Eli Mogoloth.  After ten minutes a message from one of foot soldiers comes in over the radio.

"Ava, mam we have spotted Eli Mogoloth escaping in a hover helicopter, would you like us to pursue him?" the footman soldier reported. 

"Negative! we are on our way!" said Ava. 

We ran on foot to the other side of the barracks where the hangar was located. Upon arriving we see the helicopter leaving with Eli laughing manically in the cockpit of the helicopter. As he started leaving we saw him pressing buttons furiously on his tablet as he was leaving at once I had a bad feeling about this. 

"Ava! lookout the cyber soldiers have activated!" screamed a foot soldier behind us.

Ava and the rest of the men start opening fire on the army of cyber soldiers pacing towards us from the other side of the hangar. Bullets are flying all over the place, before I can take any cover I watch helplessly as twenty or so of our military unit are shredded into blood and guts flying all over the place. I could see one soldier on the ground clutching his intestine trying to hold them in, screaming. Another soldier trying to find his arm that was blown off and it was complete and utter chaos. Ava jumped onto a laser turret cockpit inside of the hover jet parked in the hangar and started firing the lasers at the cyber soldiers. In an instant the cyber soldiers were sliced in half by a red hot laser beam of energy shooting across the room horizontally. 

Shortly after Ava had disposed of the cyber soldiers the remaining soldiers that stayed and fought with us which was twelve or so, got up and followed Ava over to me. 

"Lets go private! no laying around here we have to go after Eli before we are all dead, got it?" Ava said.

"Yep, let's do it!" I said. 

We all left the hangar to head for the armoury to resupply our weapons and ammunition. upon heading to the armoury we are greeted by the rest of the military from the barracks that support Eli Mogoloth. 

"Hands up fugitives!" said the enemy foot soldier.

"You guys first, you are supporting a traitor!" yelled a foot soldier with us.

"spoken like a true traitor, if you guys won't surrender we will no have choice but to kill you. Three.... Two.... One.... FIRE!!!" yelled the enemy foot soldiers.

Holy fuck, they actually started firing at us even though we aren't the enemies here. then from behind them machine gun bullets started barrelling towards us from behind them. They enemy foot soldiers in front of us all dropped dead within seconds as the cyber soldiers from behind them focused on getting to us.

We returned fire with our weapons and took them out after loosing another nine of our foot soldiers due to casualties. Now all that remained was Ava, myself, and three of our foot soldiers which were none other than Sergeant Samuel, Ava's old recruiter. The other two were female corporal soldiers named Eva and Josie. 

"I cannot believe that Eli was capable of doing something like this Ava," Samuel said.

"yeah well now you know if we want to stop him we need to get to my friend in the government sector. I fear she is the only one who can provide us with the information we need to stop this corruption before it goes any deeper," Ava said.

"Can your friend be trusted?" Samuel asked.

"I hope so!" At this point she is our only hope of catching this bastard," Ava said.

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