Chapter 5: Ava's Past

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I can feel a cold chill brushing past my leg as I'm hiding down an alley scared for my life. I've run away from my parents again because my mum never sides with me on anything, and my dad is an abusive dick.
To be honest, I have no idea what I am supposed to do now or where I am supposed to go. I mean, I have no parents to look after me now because let's just say I never once thought of them as my parents, and I'm better off without them.

I spent my next couple of years surviving by living a life of stealth, robbery, and combat. I learnt to sneak into food markets and steal just enough food supplies to get by day to day. I also trained and pushed myself to the limit in combat training each day, which allowed me to take out my frustrations with the world.

I did always think about leaving the military sector if I could find a way because I thought what was there left for me to be obligated to stay here anymore. So I set out looking for clues as to how I could escape my miserable past life and move onto a fresh start in a new sector of the city, plus I was curious to find out what the rest of the world was like.

I looked for months for a way to get out, and eventually, I had found a way to leave. A rogue soldier named Samuel that I had met a couple of times before whilst stealing from the market.
"Hello Samuel," I said.
"Ava, to what do I owe you the pleasure?" Samuel asked.
"I heard a rumour that you know a way to get around the sectors unnoticed?" I asked.
"Well, I'm not sure where you heard that, but I can tell you now there is no point in leaving. Security is always tights these days, all along the walls. Tell me why you want to leave so badly?" Samuel asked.
"I have my reasons Samuel please don't ask me again," I said.
"Ok, suit yourself, but understand if anything goes wrong, it's your responsibility to deal with the consequences, got it?" Samuel asked.
"I am well prepared for that already," I said.
"Good, you know what? I'll come along with you, keep your company, make sure you don't get caught, haha," said Samuel.
"Really, I'm sorry, but the only thing that will get caught here is you and your loudmouth," I said.

We then set out with a plan in motion, Samuel had a hacked military ID card that could open maintenance panels along the walls of the sector to slip through the walls. It's pretty cool if you ask me to have access to something like that. What I didn't know at the time was Samuel wasn't who he said he was, but I would soon find that out later on.

"Alright, Ava, through here," Samuel said as he opened up a panel on the side of the wall at about 6 metres off the ground.
We went through the wall, and on the inside of it was cable everywhere accompanied by piping and weapon stations down the corridors, full of cyborg soldiers and footmen soldiers pacing along the corridors
"Shit, I thought you said it would be easy to get through the wall like this," I said.
"I never said It would be too easy, though," Samuel said.
"Look, intruders over there, open fire!!!" One of the foot soldiers shouted.
" Shit look out!" Samuel said.
I ducked and rolled out of the way of the bullets, thinking to myself , " How am I going to get out of this alive, yet alone get Samuel out of this mess.
I climbed onto the top railings above the corridor, keeping myself concealed from the gunfire. I then jumped onto a foot soldier, dropped him, hit a nerve below his jugular knocking him out. I then took his weapon off him and aimed at the other foot soldiers that were now storming up the corridor.
"Put your weapons down," I said.
I then grabbed the other foot soldier that was injured next to the unconscious one and used him as a hostage.
"I mean it, or I'll kill him," I said.
"You won't be killing anyone, Ava," Samuel said.
I turned around. I couldn't believe it. Samuel was aiming a rifle at me from behind.
" I don't understand what's going on," I said.
" We were merely testing your abilities. Please don't be upset with the methods we use now, Ava," Samuel said.
I couldn't believe it. I have been tricked into thinking I could trust this man, and now I find out that this was all a test.

I was then recruited into the military sector and started just before I turned 16 years old, quickly advancing into a military unit supervisor only a year later due to Samuel putting in a recommendation for me to the boss.
Samuel was our military recruitment officer and talent scout for the military sector, and he believed I had the potential to be a deadly soldier someday.

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