Chapter 17: Taking a risk

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We quickly made our way back to the rooftop electrical box before Josie can wake up as the sun was starting to rise. A hour later Josie had woke up and she looked over at us with a confused look on her face. 

"Did you guys get no sleep last night or something?, you both look exhausted," Josie said. 

"Yeah too much on my mind right now unfortunately," I said. 

"We need to talk to  you about something Josie," Ava said. 

"Ok, don't tell me you two are sleeping together? and that's why you're tired because you were up all night fucking?" Josie said looking heartbroken and angry. 

"What! No way! Yuck, no offence Daniel," Ava said.

"None taken," I say thinking could she be anymore of a bitch. 

"No it's about a plan we just thought up over night as you fell asleep, about trying to find Daniel's dad so we could follow him in the hopes of Michael leading us to Eli Mogoloth," Ava said.

"Oh, ok so what is this plan?" Josie asked, blushing. 

"Last night I went out to gamble, in order to win a debt slave that we could use to track and follow Michael's movements so that we can have surveillance on him at all times whilst we are protected by hiding ourselves,"Ava said. 

"Hang on a second, you went out and gambled?" Josie said looking betrayed. 

"Yes, but we didn't really have another choice of action, did we?" Ava asked. 

"Look Josie, It was my idea for Ava to go and gamble for the debt slave, If there is anybody you should be angry at right now, it's me," I said. 

"No, I'm not angry I just wished I could had been informed of this earlier," Josie said.

"Yes but you were asleep at the time, so we let you get your sleep," Ava said. 

Ok fine, so I'm assuming you lost your gamble because, I don't see any debt slave around?" Josie asked. 

"No I won, the debt slave is already out on surveillance as we speak," Ava said.

"Really? so what do we do next?" Josie asked. 

"We wait a little longer for the debt slave to get back, then he can report back to us what information he found out, then upon hearing this information we can take our next steps of action accordingly," Ava said. 

A few hours later, the debt slave climbs up the ledge of the rooftop and comes over to Ava, Josie and I, to report back what information he has found. He told us that Michael had been packing some things, and that he went to the train station downtown and bought a ticket for tonight for the train line that goes out to the transport sector. He then went back home after stopping at the shops for some food, and has been there since. The debt slave then left to go to his home after he had finished his report. 

"Ok, so it looks like we are packing our things too! we are following him to the transport sector tonight, so get your things packed because come tonight, we are leaving," Ava said. 

Later that day as the sun was starting to set, we had started climbing down the pipes on the side of the building before reaching the ground. We had covered our faces with cloth and had our backpacks on our backs and we were stealthily sneaking through the side streets of the government sector making our way in the direction of the train station that the debt slave had described. We had almost reached the train station before bumping into a slight problem. 

"Shit! there is way too many cyber soldiers on guard duty tonight at the train station, how are we  going to get past?" I ask Ava and Josie. 

"By stealth at all costs," Ava said. 

We start sneaking past the first two cyber soldiers being careful enough to stay super still when their movement sensors were pointing anywhere towards our direction. It felt like it was taking ages but we eventually got past the first two cyber soldiers at the entrance to the station. The platform had ten or so cyber soldiers, marching the perimeters of the platform. 

At this point Ava did something reckless, but smart she lobbed a hand grenade behind us toward the entrance to the station and successfully exploded the two soldiers standing guard at the entrance. Right away the ten cyber soldiers came running past where we were hidden towards the entrance arming their weapons. We took this moment of opportunity that Ava had provided to all run toward the train pulling in and jumped on top off it before climbing our way to the electrical carriage where all the batteries and motors that run the train are kept to hide. 

"What is going on here?" we hear a voice say coming from the entrance. 


I take a sneak peak through a small vent in the side of the carriage to see that the man that was speaking is my dad. 

"Ok, but I better not be late for my train," Michael said. 

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