Chapter 10: Finding the friend

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Its been a few days now since the total and utter chaos had broken out in the military sector. Eli Mogoloth had turned all the cyber soldiers on everyone in the barracks including his own soldiers. It was so horrible, but we are now working towards finding out how to stop him.

We have been travelling via the sewer pipes for the last couple of hours after spending the last few days healing our own, stocking up on ammunition and setting a plan in motion. We decided to use the sewer pipes again to avoid being hunted down by the government or Eli Mogoloth's men and cyber soldiers. 

"Does anyone know the way around these sewers?" asked Eve and Josie.

"Not really, but keep an eye out for any employee or personal," Ava said. 

"Yeah, especially this one plumber that Ava and I want to get our hands on," I said.

We had briefly explained to Samuel, Eva and Josie about the modified spiders that were roaming around parts of the sewer tunnels and told them to keep their eyes peeled. 

"Hey, I thought I heard a noise coming from two corridors down to the left", Samuel said. 

We all hurried over to where the noise was coming from and peered round the corner to find a couple of plumbers working on some pipes suspended over some gushing water below, both guarded by two cyber soldiers each. 

"Shit that isn't good how we supposed to ask a plumber for directions if they are guarded by cyber soldiers. Better yet how are we supposed to know if they are under Eli's direct orders or if they are following standard protocol," I said.

"We won't know, only one way to find out!" Ava said then winked at me as she turned the corner and she began firing at the cyber soldiers. Quickly following behind her Samuel, Eva and Josie followed firing at the other three cyber soldiers swiftly taking them down before aiming at the two plumbers in shock of what was happening. 

"Remember me?" asked Ava.

"You should be dead!" screamed the plumber worker that had thrown us into the spider nest previously. 

"Don't count on it, move it this time you will take us to the government sector or my friends here won't pay you. Now move it!" shouted Ava.

"If you were going to pay me to take you to the government sector, I would had happily helped you the first time! But no you scared the living shit out of me by threatening to kill me, what was I supposed to do!" said the plumber. 

"Well I do apologise for that, but kind of hard to know who to trust these days," Ava said.

"This way," said the plumber as the five of us followed behind heading down a sewer tunnel heading away from the direction he lead us last time. Good to see he didn't try that again on us. 

Along the way it was fairly peaceful, for once we thought we were finally back on track and getting closer to finding Ava's friend. 

"Lets sit down and have a break," Samuel said.

"We need to keep moving Samuel, the sewers aren't exactly the type of place I would call comfortable to have a break," Ava said.

"Yes, but we all haven't eaten for the last eight hours almost, we aren't cyborgs remember?" Samuel said sarcastically.

"Fine but everyone is up and moving again in ten minutes, got it?" Ava said.

"Sure thing", we all said.

We sat down eating the tin food we had found in the military barracks cafeteria, plus had a juice box each that Ava and I collected from the food sector earlier in our trip.  I do agree its not an ideal place to have a break but at the same time, I also agree that we need to keep our energy up for whatever lies ahead on our mission. 

"Alright everyone, UP!" shouted Ava.

"Lets go find your friend", I said.

As we started moving again we could hear something strange up ahead, like the sound of mechanical gears moving and I looked in horror as the rats on the ground below us were fleeing in the opposite direction to us. This can't be good, whatever is heading our way I think to myself. 

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