Chapter 2: The Building Sector

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We travelled in military grade four-wheel drives from the barracks to the building sector, where we were stationed to do surveillance and security work whilst there.
The whole ride there was very interesting. The gates at each wall were laser sealed as well as steel re-inforced thick steel doors. There were also laser turrets and cyborgs stationed along the wall.

We travelled through two sectors to get to the building sector, which was located in the southwest part of the city.
"Hey Ava, do you find the cyborgs... you know, intimidating at all?" I asked.
" I used to when I first started, but you get used to them they don't talk as they are only programmed to carry out their programming," said Ava calmly.
"Ok, good to know, so how long have you been working as a supervisor, if you don't mind me asking?" I said.
"For the last 3 years I have been supervisor, I got promoted a year after starting due to my combat skills," Ava said.
"Oh wow, that's awesome. I'll need to work very hard then if I want to be promoted, " I said with enthusiasm.
" Haha, well said private," Ava said.

We arrived at our job site. It was a cold overcast day, and the rain was pelting down with the wind, howling, through the sound of the heavy rain.
As we were walking around patrolling, looking for anything out of the ordinary to investigate or report, I noticed some construction workers were barking out orders at these ragged looking people as they looked miserable and beaten down.
"What's going on over there Ava", I asked.
"Nothing to worry about over there private they are just debt slaves. They got themselves into that mess they have to live with the consequences, "said Ava.
" Live with the consequences," I said, confused.
"Yeah they are people known as debt slaves, you become one of them when you challenge another person to a gamble and you lose, you then owe them either money or time if you do not have either to give you become a debt slave until you have paid off your debt depending on how much debt you have accumulated", said Ava.
" In my opinion, they are all stupid for getting involved in any of that stuff," said Corporal Alec.
Our company was made up of coporals, our supervisor, and myself a total of 12 of us.
" Right, it does sound pretty stupid, but why do people do it?" I asked.
" Greed," said Alec.
"Power," said Ava.
"Well, I can definitely say that I'll not be involving myself in anything to do with that," I said.


We all heard Screams coming from below the perimeter, followed by gunshots and explosions.
"Alec, go check that out right away. We will be right behind you. Daniel, stay behind me at all times, do you understand," Ava yelled.
"Yes mam", said Alex as he jumped below us to the location of where the scream and gunfire came from.
"What's going on?" I asked, terrified.
" No idea, this is strange for a normal routine surveillance job," said Ava.
Gunfire had started up again and was ripping apart everything at the construction site. I followed Ava to a better vantage point and looked down in horror. There was a pile of dead bodies mutilated full of holes and blood everywhere.

"I don't understand," I said, but I was cut off by the arrival of a cyborg soldier jumping up to our platform with a mini gun armed and a sword raised in its other arm.
"LOOKOUT," screamed Alec as he jumped up and blocked the cyborg soldier's sword from slicing Ava.
Alec was struggling when all of a sudden the cyborg raised its other arm and fired the mini gun point blank at Alec, and his body splattered into chunks of flesh and blood all over Ava and I.
"SHIT," yelled Ava, and we both ducked for cover.
Ava drew her sword and sliced the arm with the mini gun off and then proceeded to battle the cyborg soldier sword to sword combat.
I kept my head down and looked around for something I could use to help my supervisor out. Think Daniel, think!
I found an EMP stun grenade on the body of one of our units dead body.
"Ava, duck," I shouted.
I tossed the grenade at the cyborg, and as it exploded, the cyborg froze as Ava sliced its head off and crushed it with her foot.
"What the hell was that?" I screamed.
"I - I don't know, but we are not safe here. we need to call in back up immediately, " said Ava shakily.

An hour later, we were still terrified by what had happened, and I still couldn't get the images of our units dead bodies out of my head.
Another military unit had just arrived to relieve us, and as soon as we were finished filling out a report on the mission, we were sent off to the medical sector to treat our injuries.
I don't get it, I just don't get how something like this could have happened.

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