Chapter 21. Finding Help

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As I stare at my fathers dead body my rage intensifies, those bastards killed him in cold blood and all for what, power? money? Why are they doing this? I cant stay in this room anymore, the smell of my fathers blood is too intense I think I'm going to faint, I have to find a way out, we have to find a way out.

"Guys, I think we should go, it's not safe here", I tell Ava and Josie.

"He's right, we need help, if thats what Eli can do to one person, imagine what he can do to everyone else" Josie says scared.

Ava sighs in deep thought, "Fine, we will get help, but only if I think they can be trusted, there is too much corruption, we don't need the wrong people on our side".

With that we look for a way out, Josie pulls up the schematics of the building to look for the nearest exit.

 "Hey guys, come here, I want to show you something" Josie says.

Ava and I walk over to the desk that Josie is sat at and stare at the screen she has pulled up. To be honest, I have no idea what she is looking at, it just looks like any other room in this building but she seems really excited about it.

"Josie what is it?" I ask her.

"I've heard about these building's before but I never thought I would be so close to one, they're cyborg labs" she tells us.

"What the hell is a cyborg lab?" I ask her.

"Well its basically a building or lab dedicated to building cyborgs but I have never seen one quite like this before, it looks different" Josie says.

"Different how?" Ava asks.

"These cyborgs, they're  bigger than the ones I've seen, they have more armour, to be honest they look like super soldiers" She tells us.

"Super soldiers, why the hell are they super soldier looking cyborgs here?" Ava asks confused.

"I don't know, but whatever they're planning on using them for will be catastrophic" Josie says.

Oh shit, what do we do now, we are completely outnumbered, they don't only have numbers and control but they also have fire power and strength, how do we win?

"I want to see it" Josie says before getting up and heading for a side door hidden behind a shelf.

"Do you really think that is a good idea?" Ava asks.

"What harm could it do?" Josie says before moving the shelf out of the way and opening up the door.

It looks dark, really dark, its some kind of hallway leading to god knows where, this doesn't seem like the safest idea in the world, but Josie enters anyway leading us to our likely doom. I follow behind her and Ava follows behind me closing the door with a slam, I jump.

"Calm down Daniel, it's just a door" Ava says laughing.

I just glare at her and follow Josie through the winding halls, I hope she knows where she's going cause I sure as hell don't. We arrive at a set of glass doors opening automatically when she  gets closer, we walk inside, my eyes go wide and Josie gasps.

"Holy shit" I say.

"Holy shit indeed" Josie replies before heading to the control panel pulling up the manuals on the damn super soldier looking motherfuckers on a the damn production line who are filling the whole room. We are so going to die in here. 

"Hey Josie, quick question, can these things kill us by chance?" I ask her.

"Why Daniel, are you scared?" Ava asks me snickering to herself.

"Of the incredibly large, murderous looking cyborg soldiers who are in the same building my father just got slaughtered in and we have no idea what these things were built for, your right Ava there's nothing to be scared of" I tell her sarcastically. What a bitch. 

"Its okay Daniel, they haven't been programmed yet, they are in their factory settings mode" Josie tells me easing my distress.

"Factory setting mode?" Ava asks.

"Yeah, why?" Josie says.

"Well I was just thinking, what if we program them to fight for us" Ava says.

"I mean I could try, I'm not sure if it will work though" Josie says before pulling up their settings and pressing a lot of button that I don't understand.

They start to move however and I nearly shit myself.

"WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY MOVING!?" I shout at Josie.

"Calm down Daniel, I'm doing that" She tells me with a smile before getting back to work.

"Jeez Daniel, are you scared of everything or something, your acting like a toddler" Ava says before laughing at me.

"You know what Ava, go fuck yourself" I tell her before going to sit next to Josie. Ava can be a real bitch sometimes.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay, I was just having a joke, ya know, lightning the mood" she says.

"Yeah, whatever" I mumble to her before focusing my attention on Josie.

"I did it, they're under our command now" Josie shouts happily.

"Good, have them ready, we need all of them, make sure their weapons are working too, I don't want them failing us" Ava says.

Josie enters a bunch of commands into the computer and the cyborgs step off of the conveyer belt stopping in front of us, i'm guessing waiting for a command. Josie gets up from her seat a control in her hands. 

"This here will control their every move, I just have to enter the right code" Josie tells us.

"Great lets take this fight to them, Daniel, grab those guns that are in that cupboard, the cyborgs are strong but we need protection too" Ava says.

I grab the guns chucking one to Ava, she catches, putting the strap over her shoulders and leaves the room. I pass one to Josie and she does the same following after Ava, I pull mine over my head and follow after them.

I'm coming for you asshole and i'm gonna make you wish you were never born.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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