(Almost) Brothers in Law

23 3 1

Written: May 22, 2024

I came home one day after visiting Australia. We're tending to the snake eggs and are making sure they hatch healthily. New Zealand was in the room with us, teasing us like any sibling would. Canada peeked in from time to time, her curiosity piqued. As I enter the house, I see North and Russia's brothers, Ukraine and Kazakhstan, sitting across from him. The three of them sit together, their expressions somber and their body language tense. I hesitate for a brief moment, unsure of how to approach the conversation that is clearly happening.

"Why did you propose to Russia, huh?" Ukraine says interrogatively. Kazakhstan's golden wings ruffle, his bright eyes narrowing in suspicion. Ukraine's question hangs in the air, his tone accusatory and tinged with disbelief. "Why did you propose to Russia, huh?" he repeats more harshly, his voice filled with skepticism. Kazakhstan's golden wings rustle slightly, a ripple of unease passing through them as he turns his intense gaze towards North.

In response, North meets their gazes with a cool composure, his demeanor unfazed by the confrontational atmosphere. "I proposed to her," he replies calmly, "because I love her."

"That's what they all say." Kazakhstan snapped. "I've seen too many Central Asian soap operas to know what happens here." Kazakhstan's sharp retort rings out with a mix of caution and skepticism. His golden wings shiver with suppressed irritation.

North's eyes harden slightly, his cool composure wavering slightly at Kazakhstan's skepticism. "My intentions for Russia are sincere," he says firmly, his voice laced with determination. "I intend to honor and respect her."

"You're going to get married to her tomorrow." Ukraine recalls. "We need to make sure you don't do anything brave." North rubs his forehead in irritation.

"You've known me since childhood." He argues.

"But we don't know what you've done behind closed doors." Ukraine retorts, his tongue as sharp as a knife. North's jaw clenches as he struggles to keep his composure.

"I haven't hurt her in any way," he insists, his voice tinged with a mix of frustration and determination. Yet the skepticism in the eyes of Ukraine and Kazakhstan remains.

"How can we trust that?" Kazakhstan retorts, his wings trembling with barely contained agitation.

The atmosphere in the room crackles with tension as the brothers continue their interrogation, unwilling to let go of their suspicions. North, finding no other way to prove his sincere intentions, falls silent.

The brothers scrutinize North under the gaze of their shimmering citrine eyes. Ukraine's face is fixed in a scowl and Kazakhstan looks like smoke is fuming out of him. Their mabui are planted firmly in their beliefs. North's is sincere and feels indignation, quite irritated by the interrogation.

"Well?" Kazakhstan probes. "Have anything to say?" North's irritation grows, his patience wearing thin. "What do you expect me to say that I haven't already?" he retorts, his voice laced with a mix of frustration and defiance.

"My feelings for Russia are genuine, and my intentions are sincere. I won't let your doubts cloud what I know to be true." He lifts his chin slightly, meeting Kazakhstan's piercing gaze with unwavering determination.

Ukraine's tone grows more vehement as he voices his concerns. "Our father, the USSR, may have loved you as his own child," he says, his words gaining strength. "Russia may love you, and you may be known for your integrity and blunt honesty, but that doesn't mean you're a good person behind the scenes." His growl echoes through the room, his eyes narrowing in skepticism. North's expression hardens in response to Ukraine's challenge, his own resolve strengthening.

"What exactly are you implying, Ukraine?" North demands, his voice low and tinged with annoyance. His fists clench involuntarily, betraying the frustration simmering beneath his veneer of composure. Kazakhstan crosses his arms, his wings twitching.

"I don't know what anyone sees in you! You're a bad person! You are the worst country present in the UN! You're unreliable! You're unlovable after everything you've done!" Ukraine shouts, standing up.

North's face flushes with a mix of anger and disbelief at Ukraine's vehement outburst. He takes a step forward, his eyes narrowing fiercely. "I may have my flaws," he growls, his voice low and dangerous, "but I am not the monster you make me out to be." The tension in the room reaches a boiling point as North and Ukraine's confrontation intensifies. Kazakhstan, ever ready to step in, positions himself between them, his wings flaring defensively.

"Why the sanctions, then, huh?" Ukraine thunders. "Tell me!"

"Why are there sanctions in Iran? What did he do to deserve them?" North retorted. The exchange between North and Ukraine intensifies, their grievances and defenses intertwining in a heated debate. As emotions surge and tempers flare, Kazakhstan, caught in the middle, struggles to maintain control. Kazakhstan lowes his wings, folding them back.

"You have a point." He nods to North. "And I agree." As Kazakhstan lowers his wings and concedes to North's point, a slight shift occurs in the room. The tension eases momentarily, as if the admission provides a brief respite from the confrontation. North, while still visibly irritated, acknowledges Kazakhstan's agreement with a curt nod. However, Ukraine remains steadfast in his stance, his frustration simmering just beneath the surface.

"The United States gave us the wrong impression about you." Kazakhstan acknowledged, side eyeing Ukraine. "And I know Russia is very good at debunking his claims." Kazakhstan's revelation sparks a moment of reevaluation within the room, as he admits that the United States may have portrayed North unfairly. North, acknowledging the sincerity of Kazakhstan's words, feels a glimmer of understanding begin to take root. Yet, Ukraine remains unmoving in his opinions, his frustration still simmering. The exchange continues to unfold, with each nation representing their unique perspectives and ideologies.

"Maybe you aren't all that bad." Ukraine grumbles like a rolling boulder. "America is a little sketch when it comes to these things." North, while remaining cautious, senses a potential opening in the discussion as Kazakhstan begins to reevaluate his opinions. His eyes flicker with a mix of cautious optimism and a newfound appreciation for the complexities of international relations. Ukraine, having acknowledged the possibility of North being unfairly portrayed, reluctantly admits his own potential bias. The brothers continue to discuss, their debate taking on a new light as they explore the nuances of their beliefs and perceptions of each other.

Ukraine and Kazakhstan glance at each other. "Alright, we won't murder you in your sleep tonight." Ukraine declares.

"Russia deserves to be happy," Kazakhstan sighs, "and if you make her happy, so be it." Ukraine and Kazakhstan exchange a look, their faces a mixture of reluctant acceptance and newfound understanding. Kazakhstan steps forward, his wings shimmering softly, and extends his hand to North.

"Consider yourself on probation." He states firmly. North takes a deep breath and exhales slowly. He looks at the extended hand, then up at Kazakhstan, meeting his gaze. Slowly, he reaches out and clasps the offered hand. The room hangs in suspense as the two men shake hands, signaling a fragile truce between them.

North's excitement is palpable as he approaches me with a beaming smile, his eyes twinkling with joy. "It's happening, Oki!" he exclaims, his voice filled with exuberance. "I'm getting married tomorrow!" He takes my hands in his, his fingers wrapping around mine tenderly. The air around us seems to crackle with anticipation and excitement.

"I can't believe you managed to get past Ukraine." I chuckle. North rolls his eyes at the mention.

"It was Kazakhstan who saved my butt." He admits. North confesses, his voice tinged with a hint of humor, "It was Kazakhstan who really saved the day in persuading Ukraine to reevaluate their views and give me a chance. They both had their doubts, but ultimately, Kazakhstan's influence made the difference." He embraces me.

"I can't believe you'll finally be with Russia after all these years." I return the hug warmly.

"I can't either."

"Just a few hours left..."

Sorry for all the short chapters. I'm just not feeling it anymore :<


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