Happy Birthday

17 0 4

Written: May 15, 2024

A few weeks pass. I wake up to South Korea barging into my room. He rips the blanket off my body and yells.

"MAY FIFTEENTH, BITCH!" I blink a few times and rub my tired eyes. South grabs my arm and traps me in a huge hug. "I can't believe you're already seventeen."

"Hey, let go of me." I grumbled, attempting to pull my arm from South's grip. I felt like he was squeezing me too tightly, but his grip wouldn't loosen.

"What's so special about being seventeen?" I asked nonchalantly, trying not to appear bothered by the overwhelming display of affection.

"Seventeen is not just any boring number, dumbass." South replied, his voice harsh despite the fact he kept me trapped in a hug. "You are the same age Japan was when Dad died!"

"Well, that's dark." I chuckle.

"Yeah, and you know what's funnier?" South smirked in response, his grip on me loosening a little bit.

"What?" I asked, curious to hear his response.

"I'm getting old. My only little sister is seventeen." He yanked me off the bed. "And Japan is a fossil at this point." He yells out.

"Hey!" Japan exclaims from down the hall. "Hey, don't call me a fossil!" Japan protested, appearing in the doorway. "And I'm only thirty-one, you brat."

South burst out laughing. "Oh come on, you're basically a hundred at this point! If you die, archeologists will probably dig your bones up to study them."

"Shut up, you little whippersnapper!" Japan shot back, her tone still playful despite the insult.

"What was that, old lady?" South grinned. "Can't hear you over the sound of your bones crumbling." I roll my eyes and check on Habu Babu. He was mindlessly playing with his new toy: A plastic cave. The snake slowly slithers out, hissing like an air leak. Before I could do anything else, South yanked me out of my room and practically threw me into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and wash my face. Then, I get dressed and go downstairs.

North sat at the table, nodding when he saw me. "Happy birthday, Okinawa." He says flatly, gesturing for me to sit by him. "Do not eat anything here. South cooked."

"Hey!" South exclaimed. "My cooking is not that bad! It's just—"

"It is." Japan interrupted, taking her seat across from me. I pour her a cup of tea. The four of us sat in silence, hesitantly eating the mess of burnt and oozing dishes South had attempted to prepare.

"This isn't half bad!" Japan chirped with surprise. South smiled and looked at North.

"At least someone appreciates my cooking!" He gloats. North rolls his eye and keeps picking at the cut fruits, unwilling to take chances. He eats a few pineapple slices before replying,

"At least I won't die of food poisoning." South shrugged and continued to eat. After everyone finished, I washed the dishes. I feel Japan wrap her arms around me from behind. She sighs as she leans in and hugs me.

"I have some fun planned today, but first," Japan slips a small white box into my hands, "open this." I dry my hands with a kitchen towel and open the box. Japan watches eagerly, the excitement bubbling up in her expression. Inside is a sea glass pendant. The glass was a vibrant celeste with a metal wire locking it in place at either end— as if the glass were caged. The chain was thin sterling silver, shining in the light. Barely able to hide the excitement in her voice, Japan starts,

"I hope you like it!" I nod vigorously and hug my sister.

"Thank you so much." I say into her shoulder. Japan put the necklace on me with an enlightened grin. Japan ushers me into my room where China is climbing through my bedroom window.

The Girl by the Sea (Countryhumans AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon