IV - Unpleasant Encounter

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DogDay's tail kept on wagging vigorously, which made me happy. I love seeing it. I sill let him hold onto my tail, I don't mind my tail dragging but it might attract a lot of bystanders. We walked towards the Cafeteria.. maybe.. we're lost again. I can feel myself getting closer and closer to DogDay. It's normal for me to, I don't know about him, but I'm sure he doesn't mind. Fortunately, we found our way to our destination without any problems.
The cafeteria was big and crowded. The dog and I were speechless, we have never been to a place this big before. Still, we entered the area, it got a little colder in here but I'll do just fine. Not for DogDay though, he doesn't like the cold, the chilliness was too much for the poor pup to bear. I wrapped my tail around his neck, the fluffiness will keep him warm. He was so red, like a tomato. I don't really understand but looking at DogDay like that made me feel funny too
We got to the counter, there was tons of options to choose from. I just wanted coffee, but remembering the fact that I haven't had breakfast yet, I decided to get a simple sandwich. Students are provided with breakfast here, you can get takeout for breakfast and lunch, and snacks too!! I'm falling in love with this school already..
I sipped my coffee while DogDay was munching on his waffles. I chose a seat and we sat down. The coffee here is good, I'm getting sleepy again.. coffee is supposed to keep you awake.. maybe not here. DogDay was back to his cheerful self again, yapping non-stop about stuff. I didn't pay attention though, all I had in mind was his beautiful smile.
I finished my sandwich, it was delicious and rather filling. I took another sip of coffee, watching the pup finishing its waffles. Sometimes enjoying these moments in life make me want to cry.. DogDay kept speaking between mouthfuls.. it's hilarious, I couldn't stop giggling.
Everything was going fine until..

() "Get out."
(D-Day) "Huh?"
() "I said get out."

Someones intervened. That was rude. Who does he think he is? I looked at his chipped hanging student pass. He had a red triangle symbol on it, I guess that means he is dangerous for some reason

(C-Nap) "What did we do?"
() "You're sitting in my seat. I always sit here"
(D-Day) "So? That doesn't give you the right to reclaim this spot whenever you want it?!"
() "Alright you furballs.. I'm getting pissed off here. Either you two leave or I'll make you two regret it."
(C-Nap) "You're not scaring us.."
(D-Day) "You're not making us leave!"
() "Acting stubborn, huh.?"

I don't know what he was thinking, but that bastard STOMPED onto my tail, right near the tip. I flinched and groaned so hard, it hurt a lot.

(D-Day) "Dude?! What the fuck is your problem?!"

DogDay covered for me, pushing him away. Well, that is a brave.. but really bad move. He slapped DogDay, SO HARD that I think I saw blood shot out from his face. I immediately jumped up and stood in the way

(C-Nap) "You're out of your mind! Leave us alone!"
() - "You stole my seat. You think you two can act big?"
(C-Nap) "It isn't even yours in the first place!"
(D-Day) "Grrrr.."
() "You dare to growl at me? Time to teach you furballs some manners."

I didn't back down, I had to protect  DogDay. Luckily, all of those Tennis training sessions made me strong. The guy was quite beefy, and his strength is great. I just managed to stop him from getting any closer. At some point he decided to suddenly dash towards me, it's my natural instinct to unleash my claws.. If I trimmed my nails yesterday, we wouldn't come out of this situation alive. I scratched him hard and very ruthlessly, I see blood dripping from where his eye is. The giant scratch is visible, I just hope that my claw didn't dig in too deep or something. His eye was bleeding he held his face tight, growling

() "You got lucky this time.. but it won't get pretty. I promise."

The guy finally left. I crouched down and helped DogDay up, there was blood dripping from his mouth and he was whining in pain. I didn't feel the soreness of my tail anymore because everything is on my mind now is DogDay, he's hurt. I need to do something, I need someone, he needs medical attention.

(C-Nap) "Sunny.! Don't cry.. I know it hurts.. let's take you to the nurse's"
(D-Day) "O-Okay.. I'm fine.."
(C-Nap) "It's okay, you did good. Now.. where the hell is the nurse's office..?"

Well.. crap. DogDay suggested that I should ask bystanders around the room, it was a good idea. I looked around, trying to find someone who looks friendly.
Only then, I felt someone tapping on my shoulder

() "Hey there, little one. You seem to be in trouble

Me and DogDay turned around to see a woman, she had white hair and glasses. Her face had random small black spots on, I wonder why. She was in a very nice suit though, and the small name tag on her chest read "Miss Yi - School Nurse". Sweet! Just in time!"

(C-Nap) "Yes, please, Miss.. Yi.! My friend here got hit pretty badly.."
(Yi) "Let me have a closer look.. darling.. Oh my.. you two come with me to my office. I'll treat the both of you"
(D-Day) "T-Thank you Miss.!"

The nice lady took us to her office. It was a pretty long walk there, like it's on the OPPOSITE side of the school- wait nevermind her office is right here. I thought there should be beds, equipment or something but no, her office looked like an ordinary teacher's office. The smell of wood here is surprisingly pleasant and it took my mind off the throbbing pain in my tail

(Yi) "Little one.. stay still.. twitching won't help.."
(D-Day) "I'm trying.. Miss.. i-it hurts.."
(Yi) "Who did this to you?"
(D-Day) "I-I don't know miss.. we were just having breakfast.. then some guy came.. and.."
(Yi) "It's okay, darling. You'll be fine"

After patching up DogDay, she turned to me and held my tail. She was very careful, I couldn't feel her hands on my it. She started to brush of some dirt and dust of with a Q-Tip, then sprayed something on it, I don't really know. It stopped hurting after she wrapped a bandage around it. I'm feeling much better now, thanks to her. I could feel myself purring. I got so embarrassed, luckily she didn't notice, or else I wouldn't know how dumb I'd look.
Miss Yi handed us a card before dismissing us. If I'm correct, this card is a one-time use card that'll give you an excuse to be late to a class, which is pretty neat! I let DogDay hold my tail again, my heart flutters when he does so. I don't know if I'm high or not, but I just like the safe feeling when my tail is being gripped by the puppy's paws..
My tail still aches.. a little.. but with DogDay's touch, it's melting away.
Who was that guy earlier though..?

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