VII* - Love in the air!

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Warning: This Chapter Contains:
- Intimate Scenes
- Slight NSFW
- Slight Fluff <33


Ether's Park - Windy Hill
Approximately 21:00
I held the puppy close to me, pressing my lips against his. I savored every moment of his vanilla flavor, it's good, really good, way better than vanilla ice cream. He was soft and fluffy, which just made my arousal grew even more. HIs tail kept slapping the Picnic Mat while mine is wrapped up tightly around his torso. Even though this is DogDay's dare, I'm the one to execute it.
I decided to pull away first. As I did so, DogDay gave me a confused but rather adorable look, it just boosted my eagerness to show him love. I leaned in and licked him, from his mouth to his wet little snout. DogDay is literally burning now, he opened his mouth for some reason. I don't know what I was thinking, I leaned even closer and nabbed his tongue with mine, taking it inside my mouth. His little sucker is so warm.. so soft.. so wet.. and of course it tasted good too. Our tongues danced around for quite some time, DogDay wouldn't stop moaning and whining while I just purred. DogDay can barely sit up straight after seeing the long saliva string we made. Turning DogDay into a mess is definitely the first thing I'll do tomorrow, and probably every other day as well.
Everyone around us cheered and went nuts! There is laughter everywhere! Even Kickin wouldn't stop chuckling, he doesn't usually like these intimate moments, I get that. The puppy is so flustered and embarrassed, it's a very beautiful sight. I just looked at him in the eyes, his pupils are in the shape of a heart now, and I bet that mine did as well. Bobby won't stop cheering and I definitely know what Crafty is going to draw next, and probably add it to her secret collection as well.

(Bubba) "It's getting late, quiet down now guys.. we better get going now. and probably get these two a room"
(Hoppy) "Good idea! We still have that spare bedroom back at home!"

I think I'm starting to slowly melt, and DogDay is a pile of mushy goo already. That hoodie must be trapping all the heat inside. I snapped out of my trance. I'm getting sweaty and hot as well. I've never blushed and flushed this hard in my life, and I think I want to do that again. I was thinking on how I should ask DogDay out.. then Bubba approached me cautiously and asked

(Bubba) "Hey, so know.. the gang is back together.. and y'know.. wanna move in with us?

I had never agreed so fast before, my tail is wagging now and I look up at Bubba with a very eager look. DogDay passed out again.. maybe. Bobby is laughing non-stop while Kickin is trying to do CPR on him. Bubba looks delighted as well. I picked the Puppy up and carried him, in "Bridal Style", of course. Piggybacking would be way to hard. Picky helped Hoppy and Crafty stuff the things back inside the trunk. I hopped onto one of the backseats, making space for DogDay to rest his legs. I kept caressing his soft fur, I had to let my paws go where they want. I hope I'm not stepping over the line, though.
The car got noisy again as everyone chatted. Bubba is a really talented driver, being able to talk continuously while navigating inside the dark. I felt DogDay sitting up, opening his cute little puppy eyes and looked at me, my cheeks can't help but go up in flames
I let him lean onto me and kissed him on the cheek. This is a miracle! It's certainly a good thing that the others don't find me falling in love with my best friend weird. Bubba and Bobby kept on ranting about jokes like getting us a room and all of that Making Love stuff. Honestly, my curiosity grew, I wanted to find out more about that Love Making stuff.. I think I learnt it in school sometime.. but I definitely am not ready to get to that level of intimacy just yet
DogDay is awake now, his tail is about to fall off from all of that intense wagging earlier, to the point that his tail is now swaying very weakly and in an exhausted manner. Bubba said that he will take DogDay to his place to get his stuff. Upon hearing that, Kickin also offered me to give me a lift to my place, so I could pick my stuff up. I had to ask Bubba if he was okay, there was more than enough people inside the building already, but the intelligent elephant insisted that we both are welcome.. just don't make too much noise at night.. haha.. very funny.
Kickin had a motorcycle. I feel like it's quite out-of-character for Kickin to actually follow the rules. He put on his helmet and gave me one, he said that he wouldn't want to risk getting pulled over again.. damn.
I led Kickin to my apartment floor. I unlocked the door and walked inside. I forced myself to be tidy and organized. I didn't need much, I didn't have much either. I just grabbed some important papers and all of my clothes and shoved them inside my bag. I checked again to make sure I'm not leaving anything behind before walking out. Kickin was waiting downstairs, so I need to be quick. I ran into my landlord, who's just enjoying some drink in the hallway. I told him that I am moving out, and he said that it was okay and he'll cancel my upcoming rent.. phew. I'm so thankful that Bubba allowed me to move in. I don't know about DogDay though.
Kickin zoomed me back over to Bubba's Duplex, we almost rammed into some drunk driver on the way back, but it's more like the other guy's fault. I get the shivers, because I'm afraid that when I grow up I'll start drinking and become like those dumb drunk people. Bubba's car is back inside the garage, so DogDay is home. I got in and moved my stuff to my shared room with DogDay, I don't mind though. The room looks pretty nice.. and rather empty, because nobody had been using it for sometime, I helped DogDay and Bubba dusted the room and made the bed. It's now somewhere around 10, and I'm getting tired.. Today has been quite the adventure. Bobby and Hoppy entered the room to have a chat with the pup. Poor DogDay is still trying to stay awake, I butt in and told them to let him rest. They just giggled and left the room. I looked at DogDay, my tail wrapping around his.. he looks like he's about to pass out. With the last bit of his strength, he grabbed my paws and pulled me onto the bed.

(D-Day) "Kitty.. I want to tell you something.."

I climbed onto the bed. I think he just wants to snuggle or something. But suddenly he took off his hoodie, then his shirt, then his pants too.. Boxers is the only that's left on him.
I think I'm going to faint.
Are we seriously.. doing it.. now?
Right.. here.? Right.. now.?
I feel my arousal growing again.. I gulped as I listened to what he's going to say next.

(D-Day) "Will you be my boyfriend.?"

I sighed a sigh of relief. I'm not ready to make love yet. But still, that's a stupid question, we both know that we love each other already. I finally understood why he stripped of his clothing, it's definitely not him showing off his nice muscular frame, it's just him escaping the heat. Well, it makes sense because it's getting quite hot in here too. I don't see any reason why I shouldn't do the same. I took of most of my clothes, leaving just my comfy undies on.

(C-Nap) "Yes.. Puppy. You'll be mine and mine only.."
(D-Day) "And you'll be mine and mine only.."

He's seriously making me so hard right now. I had to control myself. I snuggled up with DogDay into the bed, we got into the blanket and got comfy. He kept rubbing his chest against mine. He must work out a lot, I don't.. really.. but our bodies are quite in shape.. I rubbed his cheeks and kissed him on the forehead. DogDay nuzzled into my chest and started licking it. It definitely feels good and I can feel my self twitching. I tried my best not to get my sensitive area close to his.. it happened anyway.
I'm not ready, neither is he.
The slumber was laid upon me.. I shut my eyes tight as I hugged him tight, snoring and purring softly, my tail tangling up everything..


The night is still young for the rest of the gang. They usually go to sleep at 23. Even though there is school tomorrow. DogDay and CatNap already got all of their stuff here, so waking up tomorrow won't be a problem.
BobbyBearhug and the others are having a blast downstairs, telling each other stories, coming up with theories starring the two lovebirds. Crafty just stayed quiet and kept on drawing. HoppyHopscotch is making the house rumble, PickyPiggy is baking, KickinChicken is about to make the windows shatter, BubbaBubbaphant is slowly going insane. Honestly, Bubba should be the new leader here, since that dog is so in love now.

(Kickin) "Oh please, what makes you think that the both are fuc-"
(Bubba) "Kickin. Language."
(Hoppy) "You three chill, things will unfold. Don't worry, remember the procedure?"
(Bobby) "Burst into the room, laugh, take as many pictures as I can, evade."
(Hoppy) "And?"
(Bobby) "Survive."
(Hoppy) "good!"
(Picky) "Sorry guys! I ran out of blueberries today! I had to make them with bannanas"
(Crafty) "Can you guys keep it down..?"
(Bubba) "She's right, your leader is sleeping. Do you need me to knock some sense into you three?"
(Hoppy) "You're no fun.."

They are still unaware of all the future, the unknown lies ahead.. lurking in the darkness.

(Bobby) "I hope they propose tomorrow!"
(Hoppy) "Yeah! It'll be funny if DogDay just started carrying CatNap downstairs first thing in the morning"
(Bubba) "I'm going to kill you both.."


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