III - Zyonez

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September 16
Zzzzzzz.. Mmhh.. So soft and fluffy..
What is this feeling? I definitely remember this feeling. The calming smell of Vanilla fills up my nose. I inhaled all of it, it was gentle and mild.
That made me gain my consciousness again, I started to slowly wake up.

The orange dog was on top of me, its cute little tail wiggling in the air. I blushed, I enjoyed this view. I don't wanna get out yet. So I decided to stay like this for a little longer or maybe until DogDay wakes up naturally. I kept purring as I felt my long tail finding its way to his.
Oh right! Today's the first day of school, let me just take a look at the clock..
"06:30", read the hands.. I rubbed my eyes, then I took another glance.. "06:30", I blinked.. "06:31",

I jolted upwards, making sure that DogDay wouldn't topple over. I shook his body very gently, trying to wake the puppy up

(C-Nap) "SUNSHINE, SUNSHINE.! Wake up.!"

I see the dog's eyelids opening very slowly. He yawned very softly upon waking up

(D-Day) "C-CatNap.? W-What's up.?!"
(D-Day) "Calm down.. school doesn't start until half past eight.."
(C-Nap) "It's half past seven.."
(D-Day) "Welp, we're cooked"

DogDay got up from me and started to frantically pace back and forth. I managed to keep my cool, I'm not really hungry.. just sleepy.. I don't really know what I should wear for the first day of school. I'm guessing just this hoodie and sweatpants are okay. DogDay had thicker pants on but his hoodie was just as thick as mine.
I tried to make him snap out of it by snapping my fingers, he stopped pacing, then looked at me, worried

(C-Nap) "We should get going, DD, I don't want us to be late"
(D-Day) "But I haven't had my morning coffee yet.."

What did I just call him?
DD? What..?
Wait no actually that sounds like an okay nickname. Still, we had to get going or we'll be late.! I grabbed DogDay's paw and rushed straight for the door, almost making hip trip

(D-Day) "C-CatNap.!"
(C-Nap) "Do you want the both of us to be late now?"
(D-Day) "I know.. but you didn't have to drag me like that"
(C-Nap) "S-Sorry.. I got nervous and that was the first thing that came into my mind.."
(D-Day) "No problem.! So, let's catch a bus?"

We walked to a bus stop nearby. I checked our school schedule, we need to be there by seven, seven fifteen is the latest. I just got a little anxious and DogDay is just straight up in panic mode. Luckily the bus turned up really soon, we hopped on, paid the fare and took seats. I was surprised to see that there was only a few other people on the bus, it is usually crowded, or at least that was what I thought. The puppy sat really close to me, I let him grip onto my tail to relieve some anxiety, his paws felt good too, knowing that my tail is very sensitive.. I tried really hard to keep myself from purring, but I just can't. Fortunately my purrs were quiet, so only DogDay could hear them. I think he likes it because he is starting to blush. Now don't get me wrong, I only assume that he is enjoying the fluffiness of my tail.
The bus got to the next stop shortly, we hopped off, my heart nearly skipped a beat when I forgot that DogDay was holding my tail, or else it would get stuck in the door, that happened to me once and I definitely don't want that to happen again. Me and the pup walked for a couple more minutes until we arrived at Zyonez's high. The building was giant, like an opera house. Just know that it was enormous.
We stepped into the gates. DogDay was kind enough to hold my tail so it wouldn't drag on the floor. The hallways were wide and long. The first thing we needed to do was to look for the principal. DogDay took my hand and led me through some turns.. then another long hallway.. It definitely took us a while to find the grand door. DogDay proceeded to knock on the big wooden door. It creaked open on its own, I gulped as DogDay helped me in. There was another student with blonde hair in there, but not the principal..? Me and DogDay sat down on a chair, next to each other. I looked around to find out that there isn't a desk in here, weird.. I thought offices need to have desks.
Anyways, after a while a really tall figurine appears out of nowhere, I mean it, literally nowhere

() "Furries.. interesting, I must say. Good morning, darlings! Who might you two be?"

He called us darling.. which was very friendly but rather uncomfortable. I told him my name and so did DogDay. He looked at the both of us and exclaimed

() "Oh! DogDay and CatNap! Sorry to keep you both waiting, give me a moment, please, thank you!"

The principal seemed to be so friendly and upbeat. He handed DogDay and I a box each. It looked glorious.. it had the school's logo imprinted on it. The surface felt smooth, I couldn't hold myself back and opened it up. Inside there was a letter, a thank you one. I put the card aside, those are the the school uniforms. They were set up neatly inside the box. I picked them up one by one, no plastic covering.. the fabric felt soft and silky.. then there was it. My student pass. I'm now officially a High-Schooler with DogDay! I'm so excited that I held the card in my paw and looked at even the tiniest details on the card. It had my name, age, and basic info about me. I just smiled as I looked at DogDay, who was just as excited as I am. DogDay looks at the principal and spoke up, thanking him

(D-Day) "Thank you sir!"
(Etaz) "No worries, pup. Also, Mister Etaz is okay. I don't deserve the "sir" title yet, heh"

I smiled at the interaction between the two of them. The principal's tone was very soft and welcoming. And the way he called DogDay "pup" was kind of wholesome. And what will he call me, "kitty"? I don't want to think about it anymore. I gave Mister Etaz my thanks and walked outside with DogDay. I glanced quickly at my schedule, we're having Algebra! DogDay's matched with me, that means we can spend even more time together! It's just that..

(D-Day) "Where's classroom A2.?"
(C-Nap) "I have absolutely no clue.."

Well, where do we find the classroom now? This place is huge.. class is starting soon and I don't even know where our classroom is.. We wandered around, the more we tried to look for someone the more empty it feels. I guess, we're lost..

() "You two! Need any help?"

A hall monitor, perhaps? She looks like she's heading to class too, might as well ask her

(C-Nap) "Do you know where classroom A2 is.?"
() "Oh! Keep walking straight then take a left, if you need anything feel free to ask everyone around you!"
(D-Day) "Thanks!"

She was nice. We headed that way, wow, there it is, Classroom A2. I opened the door, we were right on time, phew. As we sat down, the teacher walked in. She didn't really look that nice, and her hair is kinda messed up. I guess someone had a bad morning. Well, I'm too shy to say anything. At least DogDay is here, I looked at him and smiled. Hie got fuzzy, I don't know what's going on with him. I feel my tail wrapping around his leg. I don't want anyone to trip over it. I yawned slightly, fiddling with my student card a little, it looked beautiful, I had to, okay? Anyways, the teacher at the desk spoke up, sipping her coffee.

() "Alright, *cough*, welcome.. students."
(Claire) "I'm Miss Claire. Please don't forget my name. I beg to all of you"

She sounds so distressed and tired. Well, I hope no one gets into trouble with her.. I didn't really pay attention to what she was saying. I forced my eyes open, managing to grasp some of the things she said but not all.. After a while, I heard the bell rang as Miss Claire slumps back to her desk and dismisses the class. I've never seen students rushing out so quickly before. I saw DogDay standing up, so I stood up too. I haven't eaten anything yet, so I'm feeling quite drowsy

(C-Nap) "Sunshine.?"
(D-Day) "Yeah, Cat? What's up?"
(C-Nap) "I'm kinda hungry.."
(D-Day) "Yeah, we didn't eat anything this morning. Hey! What about visiting the cafeteria? I think we can grab something there"
(C-Nap) "Good idea, let's go!"

I allowed DogDay to lead me outside of the classroom.

Eclipse's Reunion - DogDay x CatNapWhere stories live. Discover now