XVIII - Turning Tables

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After my dad led the group to the spot where we previously had a picnic, we started to unload everything that we brought. A picnic blanket and a big-ass basket, rackets, balls, and a ridiculous amount of shuttlecocks.
DogDoze smirked at the items, and he said, boldly

(D-Doze) "Kitty, wanna play some Badminton?"

(C-Nap) "Hm? Right, of course."
(D-Day) "I thought you liked dodgeball more?"
(D-Doze) "I'm giving this cat a chance"
(S-Dog) "Don't be so sure, pup! He might be better than you think!"
(D-Doze) "Then let us see then.. CatNap, a game of badminton then a game of dodgeball?"
(C-Nap) "Let's roll."

Well, it isn't out-of-character for my brother to be so overconfident. I get that he's really athletic and stuff, but.. I'm not sure if he will be able to keep up with CatNap..
And I can't wait to see how my brother would react after losing. Besides, he hardly ever loses, so let the odds be..
Nobody has had breakfast just yet, we decided to get some exercise just before having breakfast, which does sound like a great idea..
Well.. mostly watching them play.. not actually playing ourselves..
Since they aren't playing tennis, we can pretty much start anywhere. But for a serious match, we need to go to the park's sport court, for the net and the divided fields. It has nets, baskets, and pretty much anything you'd expect.
For some reason, there isn't a single soul here. It's not that early, and I believe that there should be at least a few people here playing or doing something.. strange.
Forget about it, CatNap and DogDoze is going one-on-one. Everybody got seated at the bleachers, Hoppy is somewhere else, jogging.
DogDoze and CatNap both got a racket and a shuttlecock, the two players looked confident and ready to clash.

(D-Doze) "Your friends keep telling me that you're quite good at Badminton, so you don't mind if I go easy on you, hm?"
(C-Nap) "Yeah yeah, sure. Just try not to cry after this"
(D-Doze) "You're good. Ready?"
(C-Nap) "First serve is yours"
(D-Doze) "No warmups, eh?"
(C-Nap) "That's completely unnecessary. If you're scared, just say it"
(D-Doze) "You got some dang nerve, kitty, now let's play.."

DogDoze is very.. very overconfident. I have no problems with that, but it is just a little annoying if he's like this all the time.
Besides, he'd look pretty bad if he lost, and I'm pretty sure he will
CatNap tied his tail around his waist again, gripping onto the racket and giving it a good spin with his paw.

(S-Dog) "I can tell that he's talented.."
(Kickin) "You tell me! Wait until you see him completely smoke your son!"
(S-Dog) "Oh my, really? Is he that good?"
(D-Dog) "Trust me, dad, you don't want to play a match with him..."
(S-Dog) "No worry, kiddo! I can play badminton well!"
(Bobby) "Why do grownups never take us seriously.."

I fixed my gaze on the field. I giggled as I already saw a small bead of sweat on DogDoze's forehead. He even gulped after seeing CatNap's professional flourishes with the racket.
He definitely is ruing his words earlier..
Even so, DogDoze hit the first serve, sending the shuttlecock high up into the air. It was a sunny morning, so it might be a little bit hard to see. Nevertheless, CatNap returned the first shot. DogDoze hit it back again, then CatNap, then DogDoze, then CatNap...
The repetition persists.. I didn't think that big brother was this good.
What I mean is that DogDoze can keep up with CatNap. He's going to bite the dust if my boyfriend just increased the difficulty to a higher notch.
After some time of just passing the thing to each other...
CatNap let him tasted a brutal shuttlecock slam. It produced a sonic-boom as the shuttlecock bounced around the field.
DogDoze was in a daze, and everyone was cheering. Dad wouldn't stop laughing though, and I wouldn't, either.

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