Chapter 34

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"Alicent, walk with me." King Viserys smiled at her on his throne once she's arrived. 

His wife smiled at him and nodded, "Very well. let's get moving, dear husband." 

He walked his way down from the stairs and they headed their way off side by side to the exit of the throne hall.

Both found themselves at the garden, stepping their way in. "I never got to ask.." The king spoke, Alicent turned her head to look at him, "How was the day at the dragonpit with Rhaenyra?" He questioned.

Alicent's delightful remembrance turned into something dreadful, knowing that it was just all just a part of Rhaenyra's plan to manipulate her into thinking they're as okay as they could be. She remembers the genuine smile off of Rhaenyra when they were talking while Syrax in their presence. The jest she said before the princess had gone away. Til this day she wonders why the targaryen princess had walked away all of a sudden. Why she had attempted to leave them without a word. It buggers her mind that it's actually starting to get inconvenient. 

She sighed, "It was well. I had the opportunity to soothe Syrax' scales, it was interesting. To much of my surprise, she and the dragon have a great bond, my king." She faked a smile as they continued to stroll 

Viserys nodded with a grin, "They do. Their communication and interaction never fails to surprise me whenever I get the chance to witness it myself." He chuckled. He took a pause before asking once more, "Say, has she been handy for the past few days?"

Alicent thought for a moment, thinking whether to mention some of the silver head's ill-mannered behavior, but the queen thought that it might lead to one and another, causing a collateral damage to the both of them.

The queen decided to shake her head, "She's been surprisingly well behaved. She was in her best behavior, sweet husband." Lie.

The king raised his eyebrows in joy and amusement, "So she hasn't been any trouble for you, nor a discomfort?" 

Alicent once again shook her head, "No. She and I had a great time despite my duties in the city." Another lie.

Alicent looked away hastily, afraid that if she and her husband would hold the eye contact- then her lies would be identified. The king paid no attention to it at all, seeming to buy her falsehood without any problem nor suspicion. 

The king stopped on his track, gently placing a hand on Alicent's arm causing the queen to standstill. "What's wrong?" she asked in concern, but Viserys shook his head.

"Alicent.." he started. The long pause had made the queen nervous of his next words. Scared of having her and Rhaenyra's scandalous actions be heard from his mouth. "You have been nothing but a tranquil wife and understanding.. It cannot be denied that you are such a sight to the eyes as well." Alicent was growing suspicious of where his directions of words are going.

"The court admires you for your frame of mind, as do I. You are a beautiful woman, A queen.. One that deserves and would be perfect to produce of her another." He finished. Alicent's lips went agape as she realized what he meant. Her body loses its composure while she stares into his eyes with desolation painted in her orbs. She quickly fixes her self and closes her mouth before responding, "Your words have moved me deeply, my sweet husband. But to be crystal clear, you're asking for an heir, correct?"

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