Chapter 48

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"What's it going to be?" Dorcas asked under the weirwood tree,

Rhaenyra shrugged, picking up a leaf on the grass as they both sat, "He's going to replace me, it's as simple as that." She answered bitterly

"Have they done it?" Dorcas knitted her eyebrows. Clearly referring to the bedding of the king and queen. Rhaenyra paused, her orbs piqued up from the leaf without moving an inch.

"They must have." Remembering the day, when she and Alaric had bedded, it intoxicates her to the core.

Dorcas sighed, "I can't believe it,"

"You saw me pick my betrothed, that's enough for you to believe." Rhaenyra plainly dropped the leaf, falling on her yellow dress

Dorcas sat with a frustrated look on her face, "Yes, but I thought you ought to pick one for... you know, as it should. Well, forgive me, we haven't had any women ruler. Who knows if it is needed to be married while ruling at the same time?"

Rhaenyra was empathetic at that time— realizing how concern her friend is. It made her more guilty at the fact that she had just lied to this poor blonde beside her. The more she thinks of it, the more she's convinced to expose herself to Dorcas— but she can't. To make up for it, despite it won't; Rhaenyra placed a hand on top of Dorcas' hand, rubbing her thumb on the woman's skin

"Don't brood, sister, it will be all alright," She reassured. Though she, herself, is the one who's most afraid for herself and future, but her dear friend needs the comfort rather than the both of them young lies on anxiousness. She forced a tiny smile that Dorcas could see through— but knowing what of Rhaenyra's intention, she just sighed and followed along

"When you're married... where will you be staying?" Dorcas asked

Rhaenyra tensed for a moment. She hasn't actually thought of it, and that's when more fear struck her. She swallowed a lump in her throat, she suddenly felt how lonely and terribly abyss it could be. The pit of her stomach started to hurt, wanting to vomit at the feeling of getting homesick already to think of being far away from the Red Keep— where she grew up. Without her mother Esther, even without her father, Dorcas along the people and surrounding she grew up with— and even Alicent.

"Probably to the Laurent's... or maybe to start a new house." Rhaenyra replied simply, trying to hide the bitterness and fear in her voice.

Dorcas clicked her tongue in distress before grabbing both Rhaenyra's hands desperately, "Oh, Nyra— Where am I to be without you?"

The princess was touched. Her heart ached at how Dorcas sounded and looked, she would miss her for a life time. "Maybe I could get you as my lady if Caspain and I were to make a new generation of our families." She cupped Dorcas cheek with a painful smile

Dorcas' eyes glowed, Rhaenyra felt the blonde's body raised up a bit, "True?" She asked with hope

The Targaryen nodded unsurely, "If the Lord Verena would allow... but I bet you he would just marry you off to somebody else as well.." She dropped her hand in surrender, causing her friend to frown

"You are right..." She looked away to think, "But what if not? What if you could change that? You are the princess, a Targaryen princess, he would let me, Rhaenyra," Her eyes filled with hope again, yet waiting for her friend's reaction and response

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