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i watched everyone greet their parents and hug them as i sat on the steps on the main building.
my dad said his flight from madrid had been delayed but he'd get there in time for the dinner.

there was a big black van, and a middle aged woman dressed in fancy clothes came out of it. following her, an old man came out of the other side of the car and i saw wilhelm walk up to them and embrace them in a hug.

that's the queen.

i saw a familiar figure speed walk past me, approaching a fifty-ish or so, looking woman with black hair and blue eyes. it was august and his mother. next to her was a man with blonde hair and pasty white teeth; he looked kind of uncanny. she held his hand and said something to august. august responded by shaking the man's hand in a very... interesting way?
he looked like he gripped his hand and was about to break it; not exactly smile at the man either.

i don't blame him though. i think id actually go berserk if my father just appeared with a woman and i had to accept she was my mom's new replacement.

many minutes went by and i began to wonder if my dad was even coming at all.

he always tried his hardest to be there for me; especially after my mom. but he worked a lot, all the time, and that got in the way of our relationship.

i noticed an unfamiliar taxi pull up into the school driveway; everybody turned around to look at it, as it was the last one to arrive.
i got up from the steps and slowly approached the car.

the side door of the car opened and out exited my dad, in all of his business-suit-and-tie, grandpa-like-polished-shoes, grey-hair-with-brown-eyes-and-freckled-ness.

i sprinted over to him, hugging him tightly.

"y/n, mi tesoro." he smiled, moving both of us  (my treasure) side to side softly.

"hola" i smiled back.
"como ha eistado tu vuelo?" i asked.
(how was your flight)

"larguísimo pero a que vale la pena, eh?"
(really long, but it's worth it, no?)

"si, a que vale la pena."
(yeah, it's worth it)

we walked around the school for a bit just talking about how i'd been since moving to sweden.

"y el chaval del que me habíais contado?"
(and the guy you had told me about?)

i told my dad about august once or twice when we spoke over the phone the small amount of times we called the past month and a half.

"pftt, que ha terminado un fucking desastre."
(pftt, it ended up a fucking mess.)

"hostia. y esta acá?"
(damn, and he's here?)

i nodded.

"a ver, a ver, cual es?"
(let me see, let me see, which one is he?)

he was acting like a middle school girl who loved gossip.

i smiled slightly and pointed with my head at august, who was a couple feet away and trying to avoid looking at me.

my dad moved slightly to see august better and laughed.
"joder, que pijo"
(shit, how posh)

"se lo ve, pero es majo."
(he looks it but he's nice.)

"pensé que no gustabais de chicos como el."
(i thought you didn't like guys like him)
"me acuerdo a que cuando tu madre quería que estáis con el tío ese de tu escuela le dijisteis que os tipos así eran feísimos."
(i remember that when your mom wanted you to date that one guy from your school you told her that all guys like him were super ugly.)

"vale, vale."
(alright, alright.)
i put my hands up in the air.

i breathed out at the mention of my mom. one of the things we would argue about was my dating life.

"a que soy hipócrita."
(i'm a hypocrite)  i joked, rolling my eyes

"y muchísimo." he replied laughing.

all too well // august horn av årnäs x readerWhere stories live. Discover now