Less is More

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When I burned you, I didn't mean to. All I could see was my father, spitting venom in my face. It was his flesh I wanted to scorch, never yours. The thought scared me because that was the first time I realized you were right—the first of many. I should and do despise my father. I've detested that heartless man since he put this hideous scar on my face. But I've denied it over and over again, refusing to imagine a future where I wasn't sitting upon the Fire Nation throne.

Meeting you was my true destiny and I understand that now. It was never to regain my honor because I never lost it. Life with you became so precious that a world away from the Fire Nation didn't seem too bad. Slowly, you became my home; something I realized because of you.

I don't think I can ever forgive myself for ruining your perfectly smooth skin but I also cannot find it in me to feel appalled when I see my handprint burned onto your body. It's twisted but when my eyes meet my own matching scar, I feel I am truly yours and you are mine.

There are so many hurtful words I spewed to you, all of which I never meant and I hope you know that. The regret eats away at me, how I didn't admit they were all lies. Yet, you still continued to love me unapologetically. I didn't deserve you... this world didn't deserve you.

I told you once that you took the sun when you left. But after watching you die, I can say you took my heart with you too. The emptiness fills every inch of me, a void in my chest where my heart once was. I close my eyes and all I see is the light leaving you, your body falling limp in your brother's arms. My legs failed me as I sprinted over to you but Sokka met me halfway and landed a well deserved punch to my jaw then another to my gut.

The worst part was watching them take you away. I felt as if I had died right along with you. Uncle stared at me with enough disgust it could destroy an army as they shoved him into his own prison cell. I can still hear Azula's shaky breaths, her glare remained fixated on the spot in which you perished. She fell to her knees and screamed out for you; in complete and utter disbelief of the act she...we just committed. A part of us died with you that day, Reina, and that is still not enough of a punishment.



"Are you sure you feel up to this?" Rein questioned Zuko, worry overcoming her as she thought back to his unconscious body just days ago.

Zuko threw his arm over her shoulder, "While I do enjoy this doting side of you, it was just a fever. I feel great now! Plus I wouldn't miss Uncle's shop opening for the world!"

The tension still lingered between Iroh and Rein. Having never spoken about their unfortunate encounter, the two chose to smother the issue for Zuko's sake. They barely acknowledged one another aside from the days of silent yet heated Pai Sho sessions while the Prince writhed in his sleep as he fought off his fever.

"Kiki! There is a line at the door, I am not paying you to stand around with Lee!" Iroh hollered from the kitchen where he prepared endless kettles of boiling tea. Rein rolled her eyes and lazily strolled to the shop's entrance, slapping a fake smile on her face.

"Welcome to the Jasmine Dragon, please follow me to your table." Rein greeted, her attention primarily focused on gathering a few menus.


The teen's gaze snapped from fumbling around with parchment to the eyes of her old friend. Katara stood before her, Momo perched happily on her shoulder, big blue irises wide with shock. Rein wasn't able to get a word in prior to Katara embracing her in a tight hug. The lemur recognized the multibender, immediately jumping from Katara to his owner's sister.

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