Born Again

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     Rein sat comfortably in her bed, another one of Zuko's books in her grasp

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Rein sat comfortably in her bed, another one of Zuko's books in her grasp. It was a rather quiet afternoon on the ship, the crew lounging about with nothing to do other than wait for orders via the captain. But Rein enjoyed this atmosphere, she was content with the silence and smooth sailing course the ship was on.

Zuko hadn't bothered her much over the past few days. He recognized how exhausted she was after traveling miles upon miles on foot, although he was curious as to what happened while they were apart. Yet he didn't want to pry, so he let her be until she was ready to come out. That didn't stop him from waking before dawn every morning and watching the sun rise in hopes she would accompany him.

Rein inhaled a deep breath before throwing her covers off of her and deciding to join the crew on the deck to enjoy the beautiful day. As she stepped out into the sun, she sighed in content, rejoicing in the energy that flowed through her body as the rays hit her pale skin.

"Well look whos finally awake!" Iroh chirped, a large smile adorning his face. Zuko whipped around, abandoning his telescope and laying his eyes on Kireina. She was dressed in his clothing that he had lent her a few weeks prior which caused a surge of warmth to travel throughout his body. Zuko didn't understand why something so simple made him so happy.

"Isn't it a little to early to be stargazing, Prince Zuko?" Rein teased as she gestured to the telescope.

"Your brother is up ahead, Kireina. And my idiot nephew is about to sail through Fire Nation territory to capture him!" Iroh exclaimed, urging her to talk some sense into him.

"Zuko! Are you mental?!" Rein shouted, rushing over to where the Prince was standing to gaze through the apparatus to see her little brother. Sure enough, Aang was there on Appa along with Katara and Sokka. She then positioned the scope straight on to see the fleet of Fire Navy ships lining the waters. "Why can't you just leave them alone? How about we go on our own adventure or something, we'll run into Aang again another time."

"Ready the catapult!" Zuko shouted at the crew, ignoring Kireina.

"Catapult?!" Rein repeated, turning her gaze to the giant machinery emerging from under the deck. A foul stench filled the air as the crew lit the ball on fire and shot it into the sky towards Appa. "Zuko! I'm going to kill you!"

Fortunately, Appa dodged the fireball but within minutes the blockade fired dozens more. Rein had no other choice than to take action, she had to save her brother. She scanned the ship for ideas before her eyes befell the catapult. Without a second thought, she positioned herself on the platform, ignoring Zuko's pleads for her to get down, and used her airbending to slice the rope, sending her flying into the sky. As she reached her peak height, she sent the biggest gust of wind she could conjure up causing half of the fireballs to change course and go soaring back down into the fleet.

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