too much food

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Tw are not ed eating problems


Sophie and hort both sat together with tedros and Agatha. The married couple were staying for a few days. They had food but their was so much and it food she didn't eat because of calories. Sophie was nervous eating the food she sat looking at for a few minutes. Hort, who noticed, grabs her thigh, squeezing it gently. Sophie nervously, her hand shaking slight pick fork up and stab into tiny bit of food. She then ate. She was gonna be sick but couldn't do that. That would be rude because she made the food for her. She continued to eat more of un till eat about half of it. Hort was still worried because he never ate enough and it scared him. She also did this thing called jucie fasting, and he tried get to eat food, but she panicked and shouted at him every time he did. He knew did mean it she was just moddy beacuse of self starvation. Sometimes, got her to eat, but she regurgitated it back up most of the time. She was always easily tried, but she strained herself by staying awake. He body was weak she fainted frequently and been hospital multiple times.


After Sophie finished her food, she washed the plate, and she then while was looking sunk out made way to the room so she could get this horrible food out of her style before it made her gain weight. She closed the door and kneeled down onto the cold bathroom tiles. She then got a finger and stuck it back of her throat, and then she felt it coming up her body and into her throat. It hurt, but she git used to doing it so much. But as she was puking up she heard the door open it was Hort. Sophie sat back after. Hort sat down on the floor next , grabbing a tissue to wipe her face. Sophie knew she had problems. But she did want changed, but when you're doing it as long as Sophie, you're never gonna overcome it. It was age 8 when started gave insecurity that mother had caused she was 8 when her mother made strave herself. It was 10 when she had fully developed anerixicia, then when was 12, she developed blumia because she could eat, but she could never keep it in. By time she 12 she gotten her period but she didnt have it long beacuse only cane every few months but when turn 15 she completely lost her period she never told anyone this beacuse was embrassing. She then had the courage to tell hort. She knew she wouldn't have a child ever because her body was to weak and because she neglected it, she wouldn't ever get pregnant, and if did she probally miscarry. They first realise that actually took care of her eating disoders was hort. Hort smiled at her, helping her up a d taken her over bed so she. " I love you," she said. " I love you too,"he said.

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