Chapter 2

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You finally were able to shower. And what a glorious shower it was. The warm water on your skin felt incredible. You had sweat some while you were outside with Robin, so this shower was definitely needed. You might have no problem getting your hands dirty, but smelling good was a must.

While you were showering, you got to thinking. Today should be the day that you familiarize yourself with your home and maybe went out into the town. Depending on the time, of course.

Maybe you'd even see that beautiful woman again.

Your cheeks heat at the memory of her. Robin was amazing, but that woman had some hold over you that you didn't quite get.

"Dang it!" You screech.

While you were daydreaming about blondie, the water had gotten gone cold and it was quite a shock to your system. If you didn't think you were awake before, then you were awake now.

You decided shower time was over, hopped out, and dried yourself off with a towel. You turned to face the mirror and looked at yourself. Your H/C hair was now completely soaked, so you looked like a wet dog. Your E/C eyes were what stood out in your opinion. You had always loved them.

With yourself finally dry, you head to the living room and decide to watch some TV. You wondered if it even worked. Grandpa had apparently not bothered to get a new one that didn't look like it came from the 80s. That was Grandpa though...

"I hope you work." You muttered as you switched it on.

To your surprise, it actually turned on. It is already on the weather channel, which is nice. Today seemed to be looking good at what the screen had to say.

"It's going to be a beautiful sunny day today!" The weatherman proclaimed.

You changed the channel because that was all you needed to know. You were still hesitant about going into, but if you had the time, you would since it was nice out. The next channel you flicked to seemed to be some type of fortune teller program. You didn't really believe in any of that, but you didn't see the harm in seeing what your fortune was.

The man on the screen was holding what seemed to be a purple star. It was odd, but you kept watching.

"The spirits are very happy today! They will do their best to shower you everyone with good fortune." The man exclaimed happily.

"Good fortune, eh?" You said.

You still didn't believe in that stuff, but it made you feel a little better that it wasn't a bad fortune. You flicked the TV off and made your way to the door. You opened it and the first thing you see is a package on your doorstep.

"What the?" You say out loud.

You didn't even hear anybody leave this. Does this town have ninjas or something? You carefully pick up the package, not wanting to risk anything. It might be dumb to bring it inside, but you didn't think anyone would send you a bomb in this nice town.

"Oooook, let's see what it is."

You open the package and see a note laid on top.

From Mayor Lewis,

Your Grandpa wanted you to have a little something to get you started. Inside are some seeds to grow your farm.

You shook your head in amusement. Grandpa always is one step ahead and he's not even here anymore! The thought made you chuckle. At least you weren't crying at the drop of a hat when you think of him.

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