Chapter 11

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It's Spring 14 now. Haley's birthday.

Before you left town yesterday, you made a quick stop at Pierre's shop and picked up another 20 parsnip seeds. You were spending more than usual, but it was worth it in the long run. Those strawberry seeds you bought would continually bear fruit for you.

A good investment if you did say so yourself.

When you got home, you planted all your seeds and watered them. Your crop had grown another 10 plots, but you had plenty of space to expand. Your Grandpa's farm was on a pretty big piece of land.

You felt proud that your Grandpa left such an amazing thing to you.

You heard a knock on your door and wondered who it could be.

Opening the door, you barely have the reaction time to catch the kid that has just launched himself at you.

"Y/N!" Vincent yells excitedly.

"Vincent! We do not jump on people!" Jodi chastised, a stern expression on her face.

"Hey Vincent. Hello Jodi." You greet.

"Hello Y/N." Jodi says with a sigh.

"Come in, come in. I was just getting ready for the day, but you guys are more than welcome."

"Oh, you don't have to Y/N-"

"I insist." You said with a smile.

"Alright, if you insist." Jodi replies with a smile of her own.

Vincent runs into the house while you and Jodi trail after him. Jodi rolls her eyes when Vincent begins bouncing from thing to thing like he hasn't seen any of these things before.

"You know... It was really nice of you to help Vincent out at the Egg Festival Y/N." Jodi says suddenly.

"It wasn't a big deal. He looked a little shy and I wanted to help." I replied, shrugging.

"He doesn't do well in big crowds. And with Kent gone..." Jodi trails off.

Jodi had mentioned her husband Kent in conversation once. He had been deployed, forcing him to leave Jodi and his kids at home. She told you that Vincent had cried for days after he left. You guessed Vincent was a Daddy's boy. You didn't beg Jodi as a military wife, but you could never judge people by their appearances. She had talked about how hard it was without him home and you tried to comfort her. Kent must have been a good guy because she talked about him with fervor. It was nice to see that even if they were miles apart, their love still held true.

Now, if only you could have that with a certain blonde...

"What happened in here?" Jodi asked.

You and Jodi were currently in the kitchen. You might have been trying to make that pink cake Haley loves...

You sigh.

"Baking. Baking is what happened, but I'm not exactly good at it." You said with a defeated tone.

"And who are you baking a cake for?" Jodi questioned.

Your face turned a bright shade of red at her question.

"No one." You muttered.

Jodi laughed at your embarrassment and slapped you on the back.

"You don't think I saw you giving that beautiful bouquet of flowers to Haley Y/N?"

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