Chapter 6

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POV: Haley

"UGH!" I yelled.

No matter what I did, I couldn't get her out of my mind.

I was currently doing one of my most favorite things–online shopping. You would think that would have worked, but it didn't.

Why didn't it?

Why? Why? Why?

I never should have gone that far out to take those stupid pictures. Stupid... so stupid. Our first interaction wasn't even something to think about, but I was thinking about her. Of course, I was. I couldn't stop. I was currently thinking about the way Y/N looked when she was working. Y/N was doing farming when I strolled by. Whatever that entailed... My head did a double take when I saw how she looked.

Y/N was rocking a sleeveless shirt!

Can you believe that?

I couldn't help but bite my lip while I looked at her amazing arms. God, those arms... Sweat glistened off them as she worked and it drove me crazy! The things I would do to be wrapped in them all the time. And she was tall. So tall...

Ugh! See! I'm doing it again.

I needed to do something else. I was stressed out. Do you know what happens when I stress out? I stress eat. And what just so happens to be in our fridge right now? Pink cake! My fav. It even has the little heart candies on the top of it that I like!

So, do you know what I did?

I went to the kitchen.

What? Don't judge me.

Thankfully Emily was in her room and didn't both me. I did not want to argue right now. She was always yelling at me about something. Spending money this, chores that. Who cares? I liked shopping and I had better things to do with my life than clean.

I opened the fridge and looked on in awe at the mouth-watering cake that sat prettily on one of the shelves.

"Mmmmm." I hummed.

I took the cake out of the fridge, placed it on the counter, and got a knife so I could cut a slice for myself. I hesitated before cutting a piece. I didn't really need to eat all these calories, but I wanted it sooooo much. I'll just indulge this one time. I won't even so much as look in this cake's direction ever again!

(It won't just be this one time.)

I happily walked back to my room, cake in hand, and went back to pursing for some new clothes. I quickly saw this leather jacket that piqued my interest. I didn't know why I was so drawn to it until I pictured Y/N it. I was practically drooling at the mental image.

I stopped mid bite and just blinked a couple of times.

"UGH! I did it again!" I yelled aloud.

I flopped down onto my bed but did so gracefully. I didn't want to mess up my hair. It took way too long to get it like this for me to just ruin it.

Maybe I should just give in to temptation. It was obvious that I wouldn't be able to get Y/N off my mind, but what could I do? I had only run into her a handle of times and only one of those interactions was positive.

But what to do?

I drummed my finger on my keyboard as I was lost in thought. Most of the things I thought of took too much effort. Y/N should be taking the initiative. But that didn't mean I couldn't set the stage... I could invite her over. Ask her if she could help me with something. Y/N is handy. I'm sure she would be able to handle most things.

Handy... Handle.... Hands.....

Oh gosh! I'm spiraling! Get it together Haley!

I always did have a short attention span. I got so bored so easily. I like new and interesting things. Maybe that was why I was so stuck on Y/N. She was new and interesting.


I have a plan and I intend to carry it out.


Sorry for the short chapter! I didn't really intend to do haley's pov, but it just came to me. I just wanted to show you her thoughts and conflicted feelings about what has happened so far. Thanks for reading!

Haley eating cake by dogchoy

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Haley eating cake by dogchoy

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