Chapter 15

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Light filtered through your window, which woke you up out of your light sleep.

"Uuuugghhhh..." You groaned.

Yes, not out of your deep sleep, but out of your light sleep.

You had practically just gone to sleep.

Why is that?

Because you were up all-night thinking about the dance. Not just the dance, but everything that happened yesterday. It had you feeling restless when you came home. The restlessness resulted in you not being able to sleep.

Now, you feel like the walking dead.


You were always raring to go in the mornings, but you felt super sluggish today. Like you didn't have your normal energy. It made sense. Getting the sleep your body needs is important.

"So early!" You said while grabbing the pillow and throwing it over your face.

It felt good to shield your eyes from the light that was trying to assault your poor, deprived eyes. The pillow also felt good because your face was on the cool side. The fact you weren't sleeping on the cool side of your pillow meant that you didn't even have the energy to care before you finally slept.

You really wanted to just take the day off, but someone was coming over today.


Robin was coming over to finalize the projects you had asked her to build. She had almost finished them, which was absolutely mind-boggling. Robin had done everything by herself. You didn't think she actually would, but when she came over with all her supplies and it was just her... you couldn't help but watch in awe as she got to work.

You decided to roll out of my bed and forced your body to move to the bathroom. Slow step after slow step, you finally got there. Your body felt lethargic and if that didn't tell you that your body was running on fumes, then the sight you would see in a couple of seconds would. You slowly blinked your eyes open to see your awful reflection looking back at you in the mirror. Big bags were under your E/C eyes and there were eye crusties in the corners, your H/C hair was everywhere, your lips look chapped, and there was dried drool at the corner of your mouth.

"Ewwwwww..." You said.

You had never been disgusted by your appearance before, but I guess there was a first time for everything.

"Shower. Definitely need to shower." You whispered to your sad reflection.

After your shower, you did your routine and almost looked like a person again. The bags were still pretty prevalent, but everything else looked ok. You were just in time to because there was a knock on your door signaling Robin was here.

You looked at the clock on your wall and it was exactly the time she said she would be here.

"Not a minute too late." You said with some amusement.

Robin was always punctual.

You finished putting on your clothes, crossed the space to the door, and opened it with a genuine smile.

"Y/N! How are you-"

Robin was about to ask you how you were doing, but she stopped mid-sentence when she got a good look at you.

Haley x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now