Chapter 16

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It was finally summer.

Summer 1, to be exact.

Walking towards town, you could already see the change in the air. It was definitely hotter. The sun had been shining down on you all day with ferocity. Hand to your eyes, you could see birds flying in the air. Summer hadn't brought them. They migrated in the spring to get away from the cold weather.

Thinking of Pelican Town as a haven brought a smile to your face.

You were actually excited at the idea of summer rolling around. Plenty of rays for your crops to soak up. You weren't really worried about rain. You handled watering them just fine. You were also excited about the new type of crops you could try. Everyone farmer worth his salt knows different types of crops flourish in different types of weather. It's a little more complicated than that, but in the end, it boils down to the climate.

You also couldn't get that awful dream out of your head.

It haunted you.

It didn't help that you hadn't been able to see Haley since the dance. You had work to do that needed tending to. Marnie had finally decided to do her job, so you went over there to talk about possible farm animals.

You decided you could probably just start off with chickens when you had enough money to build a coop. It seemed to be the right move. Everything else was a little too pricey. Building a full-fledged barn plus buying the cows? Yeah, you had to start smaller.

Right now, though, you wanted to go to Pierre's general store, so you could see the crops you could buy.

You opened the door to his shop, seeing Pierre re-stocking items around the store.

"Y/N! It's good to see you. I assume you're here to see my new stock?" Pierre asked.

"Got it in one Pierre." You replied, chuckling.

"Well, I have a bunch of new seeds for the summer." Pierre said.

"Anything you think I'd like?" You asked.

"Hmmmm... I know you like your parsnips, so you would probably like some radish seeds. You also like the strawberries you have, so I would recommend picking up some blueberry seeds. And if you don't mind waiting longer, melon seeds are my personal favorites." Pierre answered.

Radish seeds, blueberry seeds, or melon seeds...

You thought for a moment. They were all almost twice as expensive as the parsnip seeds. Money was a little tight until your next harvest, but you really wanted to buy some new seeds.

Tap, tap, tap.

The tapping of your fingers could be heard throughout the store.

When you thought about it, you came to a decision. Blueberries. You enjoyed the strawberries a lot. Parsnips was ok, so you didn't think you would enjoy the radishes. Plus, if the blueberries were anything like the strawberries, then you'd have another crop that could bring in a nice sum of money.

You would have to replace the parsnips since it wasn't spring too. You saw that Pierre was selling wheat. Wouldn't that be perfect since you just had Robin build you that silo? You thought it was and the seeds weren't too expensive.

"Alright Pierre, I'll take some blueberry seeds and wheat seeds please." You said.

"How many would you like?" Pierre asked.

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