Chapter 14

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Today was the day.

Spring 24

The day of the Flower Dance.

Were you nervous? Yes. A million times, yes. You woke up nervous. You and Haley had grown closer, but you didn't know if you grew that close. Although Haley did comment a couple times about you going...

You sighed.

No matter what you thought it always went in circles.

That was a bad habit and it made you second guess everything. It was one of the reasons you never had the gall to quit your job. Second guessed whether you could find another one or how you would pay your bills. Your head was your biggest enemy. And it was doing it again with this situation.

Whether Haley actually wanted you there or not.

You needed to get your mind off this for a second, so you went to check the box. Even with your heightened anxiety you were excited to see how much you got this time. If you got a lot from the strawberries, then you'd have a good source of income when you paired it with the parsnips. You could even get different types of seeds, so you grow a little bit of everything depending on the season.

When you got the box, you opened and looked to see...


Oh. My. Gosh!?

Fi- Five thousand... You couldn't believe it. Even with the parsnips, you got 4,300g for the strawberries. They made up the bulk of the money. The strawberries were a good investment. You had a feeling they were but seeing that you were actually right made you feel that sense of pride again.

You pocketed the money and walked back inside. You didn't notice, but it was getting close to the start time of the Flower Dance.

"Dangit!" You shouted.

Like a blur, you quickly started to get ready. An extensive shower, brushing your teeth, deodorant, clothes, and then some cologne to top it all off. You never liked perfume. You didn't think it fit with who you were.

There was that one time you tried some, but you ended up spilling the entire bottle on yourself. You ended up smelling like apples for a week. It was awful.

You looked at yourself in the mirror when you were all done. It was basically the same outfit as the one you had on for the Egg festival, but with a different colored shirt and jacket. The shirt was a light purple instead of white and the jacket matched the slacks.

You smiled at your reflection.

You were ready to go.

When you arrived at the town square, you actually met with Jodi and the cute bundle of energy that was Vincent.

"Hello, Jodi." You greeted warmly.

"Y/N!" Jodi exclaimed, wrapping you in a hug.

"Somebody's excited to see me." You teased.

Jodi pulled back from the hug, cheeks red.

"Are you heading to the Flower Dance?" Jodi asked, diverting the conversation from her embarrassment.

"I was just on my way there. You want to walk there together?" You asked.

"That sounds like an amazing idea!" Vincent! Do you want to walk together to the dance with Y/N?"

"Yes! Yes! Please mom! Can we?" Vincent asked, excited.

Haley x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now