Chapter 7

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You woke up without groaning or yawning this morning.

You guessed you were getting used to waking up early again. You didn't mind it today because you were going to check and see how much your parsnips sold for. You were so excited that you didn't bother changing your clothes and walked right outside.

You checked the box and you couldn't believe your eyes.


You jumped for joy! You knew it! You knew it! Your crops were the best. Grandpa's farming techniques would never let you down. You chuckled a little and pocketed the money. At least now you knew you had a nice source of income. You would net about 640g every harvest.

You thanked Mayor Lewis wherever he was.

The money got you thinking.

Maybe you could even buy some potatoes. They were a little more expensive but were worth it in the end. Potatoes and parsnips should be good starter crops for your farm. What you really needed was a bigger backpack. You could only stuff so many things before it got full and it got full pretty fast. You would just have to save up, you guessed.

Today was about chopping some trees.

You needed wood. Wood makes the world turn round. Or is it money? You can never get saying right. But there was some truth to your wrong saying. Wood was a valuable resource. You were going to need it for a bunch of things like building materials, coal, and money.

You first wanted to use the wood to build fencing.

Your property didn't really have clear boundaries. You were sure the deed had the property lines, but you thought having a visual representation was better. Plus, it would add some protection for your farm animals you would get in the future,

"Time to get the axe from the shed." You said.

Did you look forward to chopping down trees? Not really, but you would at least get a workout from working so hard. You could slowly see your muscles starting to come back. The change was barely noticeable because it hadn't been that long, but it was there.

Stepping into the shed, you grabbed the axe from its resting place and headed back toward a cluster of trees near your house. You were glad you had an axe. Robin was an amazing woman, but you didn't have the kind of money to buy one right now. You may have made some profit, but you didn't make that much.

The first hit into the tree's bark made your body vibrate. You hadn't done this in a long time, so you guessed you might have to re-learn how to do it properly. Luckily, it didn't take you that long and you felled your first tree. When all was said and done,done,done, it net you about 20 wood. You thought that was a pretty decent haul for one tree.

One tree after another fell and your arms started to ache from the constant chopping. You had sweat through your shirt.

"Shoot." You said.

You were soaked. You tried to just rinse it out, but having a wet shirt on was uncomfortable. It was a lost cause, so you decided to just take it off. And no, you weren't completely nude. You had a sports bra on underneath.

You decided that was the moment to turn around and saw a red-faced Haley looking back at you. Her mouth was agape like a fish and she just stood there in shock. You found the sight a little funny.

"Hello Haley! Nice weather we're having, huh!" You said while waving.

It might have been the lamest thing you could have possibly said, but you weren't good at thinking of things on the spot. Haley looked to regain her senses when you called out to her, but oddly enough didn't walk away like she had done before. She actually started walking towards you.

Haley x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now