Chapter 12

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POV: Haley

"Gosh... he's so hot you know?" I said, fake enthusiasm lacing my tone.

Me and Alex were currently hanging out in my room. I was talking about Elliot and how hot he was. I didn't mean it, but I wasn't ready to admit you I really thought was hot.

"Mhm." Alex replied.

"What?" I defended.

I might have sounded defensive, but could you really blame me? I was already having doubts about my sexuality. People not believing me when I said a man was hot made alarm bells go off in my head. I did not like those alarm bells.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I didn't think you were all that into men." Alex said, straight-faced.

My mind doesn't process what Alex has said for a minute, but when it does, shock is surely written all over my face. I didn't want to admit how I felt. Not to Alex. Not to anyone. Springing this on me has my nerves frayed. I feel a tight in my stomach like I was about to throw up. That was not what I wanted to do in front of my best friend.

What the hell did he just say? If that's how he wants to play this...

"Well, since we're on this subject anyway... I didn't think you were all that into woman." I shot back, eyebrow raised.

Now, Alex has shock written all over his face. Did he think I was dumb? His eyes followed Seb everywhere he went when the emo wasn't in his room.

"I- I- I- I don't!" Alex stuttered unconvincingly.

"Is that why you look for Seb everywhere?" I ask.

Now Alex's eyes look wide as saucers. The mention of Seb's name makes his whole front flush red. It was adorable. I didn't enjoy doing this, but Alex forced my hand.

"Idontknowwhatyourtalkingabout." Alex rushes out.

I lean back on my bed and give him an unimpressed look.


Alex gulps.

"Stop trying to turn this around on me! You like Y/N!" Alex says while he pointed his finger accusingly at me.


My eye twitches, my throat is dry, and I feel my palms start to get sweaty. My perfect mask is slipping away. My control. I'm spiraling and I have no idea how to stop it. Why did Alex bring this up? Is it doing either of us any good?

"I... don't." I finally say, fingers twiddling in my lap and eyes on the floor.

Alex is the one that sighs now.

"You do. I saw it in your eyes when she came to give you those flowers. I about fainted from her charm when she smiled." Alex dreamily said.

"Hey!" I yelled.

Alex puts his hands up, but there's a smirk on face. The smirk says that he caught me read handed. It annoys me. It annoys me so much.

"You don't like Y/N? Sure..." Alex says.

"I don't know why we're talking about this."

"Can't we talk to each other Haley? We're supposed to be best friends, but we're lying to one another." He says dejectedly.

I feel so bad. My mask I keep up all time feels non-existent. I needed it. To protect myself. But I just want to tell someone. Anyone. Alex is asking to be that person. Should I? It would be a risk, but it might be a risk I'm willing to take.

"Ok." I blurted out.

"Ok?" Alex repeats.

"Yes, ok. We wont lie to one another anymore."

"So... Y/N?" Alex prods.

"Alright, it started when I went to take some pictures..." I say, trailing off.


Sorry for the short chapter, but Haley's pov is just to get a peek at her emotions. They won't be full chapters. Thanks for reading

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