Chapter 4

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You woke up with a yawn today, but you were excited. Today was Spring 5th. Oh? You ask why today's important? Because it's harvest day! You get to harvest your parsnip seeds that have grown into some amazing parsnip plants.

It might be 6 AM, but you were raring to go.

"Parsnips, parsnips, parsnips!" You sang while you were in the shower.

Your singing voice was awful, but you tried anyway! You were too happy to care. Plus, no one was here. Who would hear you? No one, that's who!

Yesterday was not exciting at all. It was Kent's birthday, but Jodi told me he was away serving in the army. Jodi was an awesome person. She was single-handedly supporting and taking care of her family while Kent was away. You could see how much it wore her down, but she was undoubtedly holding it together for Sam and Vincent.

Sam. That was a crazy revelation.

When Jodi told me who her sons were, I didn't really comprehend who she was talking about. It was when she brought up that he worked part-time at Jorja Mart that I connected the dots. The same Sam who plays the guitar and likes video games. That Sam was related to this goddess of a woman. Who would have thought?

It was certainly one crazy revelation.

With your farming clothes on, you headed to your farm. You stood in awe as you looked on at your fully grown parsnips. Something in you shifted. You felt fulfilled. Contentment. Feelings you never felt when you were working at Joja Mart. You found what you were supposed to be doing with your life and you owed it all to your Grandpa.

Tears flowed from your eyes.

You hoped he was proud. You hoped he was watching you. You didn't know if you believed in that sort of thing, but it would be nice if your Grandpa was watching you find fulfillment.

"Love you Grandpa." You whispered.

You used the back of your hands to wipe the tears from your face, deeply breathed in, and looked up to the sun that was currently rising.

"Today is going to be a good day." You said to yourself, hands on your hips.

The parsnips were not hard to harvest. You harvested all 20 in about 3 hours and the first thing you did when they came out of the ground was to check to see if they were ok. You turned them over, inspected them, and were happy that they all looked ok. You put the parsnips in a container and hauled them back into the house.

After you hauled the parsnips back inside, you remembered what Robin had told you. You didn't have a use for these, so selling them wouldn't be a bad idea. So, you brought the 20 parsnips to the box outside your house and put them in it. You were jumping for joy inside. Earning money off of your crops made you feel like a real certified farmer.

"I wonder how much I'll get for them?" You asked.

If you got a decent price for them, then you could use them as a main crop since it was Spring.

You looked at the clock on the wall and it read 11:30 AM. You wanted to go into town today. Now seemed like the perfect time to go. You quickly did your morning routine and were out the door in a reasonable amount of time.

The bus was vacant this time around, so you got your pick of whatever seat you wanted. You walked your butt all the way to the back and sat down. What? The back is the best. Everyone knows this.

With just a hop, skip, and a jump, and you were back in Pelican Town. Over the last few days, you have come to enjoy coming here. What was there not to like? The people were kind; it was quiet, and the scenery was nice to look at. You really couldn't complain.

"Thank you." You said to Dobson.

"No, thank you." He said with a smile.

You left a parting wave and made your way off the bus.

You didn't really have anything pressing to do here in Town, so you decided to explore some more. There was a bricked path that led to a fountain and a playground that you decided to go down. At the time, you thought it was a good idea, but someone was already there by the fountain. That certain someone who had been repeatedly rude to you even though you hadn't done anything to them.


Haley was by the fountain.

All of a sudden, you were really nervous. You had been so confident talking to everyone else, but Haley made you weak in the knees. You were currently just standing at the end of the path like a weirdo, so you decided to woman up and walk forward. Haley, of course, noticed you right away and her brows were furrowed. She looked gorgeous, as always, though. Her sun kissed hair was perfect, her blue top looked so cute paired with her pink skirt, and her eyes looked like two blue whirlpools that would suck in anything that was in their path.

Haley was sitting on the bench. You hesitated for a second but ended on joining her. Haley looked to her right at you with an upturned brow. Your mouth opened and closed a few times until you said something truly dumb.

"Do you come here often?" You asked.

You couldn't believe you actually asked that. Were you dumb? Do you come here often? How lame could you get!

"I do actually." Haley said with a small smirk. "I like coming here to relax."

"This is my first time here, but it does seem relaxing." You said.

"Do you like what you do? Don't you get tired of running around on that farm all day, or whatever it is you do? I couldn't stand getting all dirty like that. You probably get a nice tan, though." Haley rambled.

That was a lot... But you decided to answer everything, anyway.

"I do like farming and it can get tiring, but it's worth the effort. As for the getting dirty part, getting dirty just comes with the trade." You answered with a shrug. "And why do you think I wear these sleeveless shirts? For the tan, of course."

You accentuate your statement by flexing your arm. Haley's eyes seem to flick to them, but it was so quick that you thought you hallucinated the action.

"You know Y/N, the only thing I really like about this town is the beach. You should check it out sometime." Haley said as she stood up.

Together? No, no, she would never go with you. The beach, though? You hadn't been there before. If Haley was suggesting it, then you could probably go at least once.

"I'll make sure to. Thanks Haley." You replied, smiling.

You watched as Haley walked out of sight. Your heart felt lighter. That was the first positive interaction you had with her. You wondered if all wasn't lost. Maybe you could keep hoping. Hoping for more than just glares and rude comments.



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Cute art by orlykayla

Haley x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now