Chapter TwentyThree

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Wooyoung woke up to the first rays of sunlight, seeping through the curtains and hitting his face.

He opened his eyes, staring blankly at the ceiling, recalling the events of the night prior.

He'd had an anxiety attack in front of San. And San had stayed.

He had stayed, he had held him close, and he had tried to comfort him.

Even after Wooyoung had attempted to run away from him.

His heartbeat quickened thinking about the warmth he had felt while San was hugging him, and his cheeks tinted to a beautiful rosey red.

He shook his head and tried to shake off that feeling, but it was hard to do it.

It was even harder when, when he checked his phone, he found one message more than the last time he had looked at his notifications.

He had tried not to look at San's texts, but now, after what had happened, he couldn't help himself no more.

He tapped on the notification.

Woo are you ok? Why did you leave?

"1 missed call"

Did something happen?


"1 missed call"

If I did something you can tell me


You probably won't read this text either but if you do please call me


"1 missed call"

We are performing this saturday at "The light if you want to come


I hope I'll see you tonight


Hey, I don't know if you'll read this but don't worry, I got home safe, Jongho came to get me.

When you wake up if you happen to see this, please reply. I don't know why you're avoiding me, but I just want to help you, to know you. If I said or did something to upset you please, please tell me and I'll try to work on it. Please don't ignore me.

A smile slowly found its place on Wooyoung's expression.

San wasn't mad. San had kept texting him even when Wooyoung wasn't texting back. And he worried about him even.

It warmed him, it made him giddy, it made him feel cared for.

Of course he still felt something for Seonghwa. Four years were not a little time, but San was quickly taking Seonghwa's place without even trying.

A sudden thought crossed his mind as he stared at his phone screen.

San had asked him for his number the first time they met, and maybe, just maybe, he was still interested in him..?

He lowered his phone and looked up ahead at nothing in particular.

San was kind. San was thoughtful. San had been nothing but a great friend to him. San, despite having asked for his number -probably because he found him attractive, Wooyoung was aware that he was objectively attractive- had understood that Wooyoung was not in the right place to be hit on by someone, and he had acted basing of that.

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